And With That Bit of Corn…

Monday July 12, 1943

5:50 p.m.


Dear folks,

Another day and I hear we’ll get our checks tonight. It’s about time. We’ll be due for another pay in about 2 ½ weeks. I read history last night until about 20 to 11. I covered about 45 pages and he covered 20 in class today so I didn’t gain a lot I see. I got too sleepy to study and [any] more so I came back and got to bed. 5:15 came I regret to say. I got up, dressed, and lay down til reveille. After reveille I smoothed out my bed, swept and then lay down until breakfast. I had potatoes, Rice Krispies, toast, butter, milk, and grapefruit. After breakfast I changed to fatigues and at 7 we went to P.T. We had our 20 minutes calisthenics and then played volleyball for about an hour. Then came the 1 ½ miles again. The whole gang were slow today. I was up in the first 4 or 5 for about a mile but I developed a side ache and walked about half of the distance. Then I made it in 12 minutes flat. After that I took a shower, dressed and at 9 went to Physics Drill. We had 6 problems to do and hand in. For some reason I got them all done and right I think. Every once in awhile I see a little daylight. From 10 to 11 we had English and discussed a couple stories. I have a theme for Friday. Wed. we have to give an impromptu talk on some subject which we won’t know about until then. That helps because I can’t prepare for it and I don’t feel conscious of not doing it. At 11 we came back to dinner – potatoes, gravy, beans, salad, bread, butter, milk, and jello. At 12 we went back to class. I got my Algebra test back and got 100. I just got my check and its all there – $93.50. I guess I’m the only one who got all he had coming by the kicks I’m hearing. In Trig. I got my last assignment back with 100 but it isn’t a test. In History we had the usual dull hour. From 3 to 4 we had study. I finished my algebra I started in Trig. and also did my Trig. That leaves about 80 pages of Geography to study for a test tomorrow and I haven’t read any of it before. I have 3 study hours before the test tomorrow so that will help. At 4 I came back and lay down to rest until mail call. I got your Thurs. and Friday letters and ones from Lillis and Dick H. I read yours and then went to supper – spaghetti, salad, peas, bread, butter, fruit juice, milk, and for desert peanut butter between crackers. After eating I read my other letters and then started to write this. It’s 6:20 now. I’m beginning to get the tennis urge. Whenever I sit here I see kids playing tennis across the road. Freese plays too and we may buy a couple of moderately priced rackets and start playing. All I need is shoes. I wonder if you could stick in my old blue shoes sometime. I think I might be able to get my feet in. It would save a lot of shoe scrubbing. It’s up to you though. Thanks for the $2. I’d rather you hadn’t sent it and wanted to get along without help but its O.K. and I appreciate it a lot. Thanks. When I get this check cashed I’m getting rid of most of it. $18 + the 4 I have ought to last til Aug. 1 easily. I figure on sending $75. You know what I want done with it. Now to your letters. Thurs. July 8 – Those pictures are swell and if you don’t care I’ll keep them. Babe looks cute and old Beech St. looks good too you can bet. So Jim gets it too. You must have a pretty fair garden after all. I remember the 4th, 1942 and I told the fellows I wish I could be where I was last 4th. I’ve just about quit on writing to everybody. Maybe I’ll get in the groove Sat. and write. A milk shake is a couple scoops of ice cream, a cup of milk maybe and flavor all whipped up. If they are made right I like them. The shoes are on the way. I always heard how tough it was to work thru college. If I get back I don’t intend to work but then I’ll probably do the same. Detroit is only 1 ½ games out of 1st place now. I have plenty of faults but I like myself too. I’m human (I hope). I was thinking if I did get my furlough it would be nice if Pop could come down then and that way I could go back with him and I’d have more time with some of my folks. Of course that’s just a thought. Yes we may be here 9 months (if we don’t flunk). From basic we may go to Massachusetts or some eastern school, maybe even Mich. Do you really consider Marie & Laura highly educated? I’m not the only one who sends his laundry home by any means so don’t worry. If I didn’t take a shower after P.T. I’d be pretty sour smelling to go to class. Our shirts smell in 2 days as it is. I meant the years from 20 to 30 shape ones life. By 42 to 52 he is on his path and going along. If you’ll look back you’ll see I think that all the foundations were laid between 20 and 30 weren’t they. You were married, I made my appearance and Pop got started off on his job. That’s just an idea of mine of course. Aunt Lillis mentioned raspberries there. That hits your Thurs. letter I guess.

Back at 7:05 in study. I’ll finish this and then take off on my Geography. I just heard we get issued our 8th service command patches tomorrow so we’ll have an insignia again. It won’t signify any branch just the area where we’re stationed. Its blue & white [sketch] sort of like that. Now to your Fri. letter. We cash our checks Thurs. morning. That poem is right on the ball, in the groove, on the beam so to speak. Ordinarily we wouldn’t be paid in the middle of the month but we needed it. A cake might be the worse for wear when it got here as it would be hard to keep from bouncing. We can study until 11:30 if we want to in the class rooms. I have no expectations of flunking but I expect a few C’s and the rest B’s with one or two A’s maybe.  We get bananas oftener now too. That covers the main points in your letters I hope. That picture of the snow and the ones of Babe really made me feel good. It seemed as if I could almost touch her and the old maple tree. I’ll keep them with the big one of her and the one of us at our vacation lunch near Petoskey, I think. The one of you and dad is in the frame in my locker. That just about covers the situation I guess. I’ll have to do some sewing now to put my patches on unless I send them to you to do but I haven’t enough shirts for that and they’ll have to be on by Sat. probably for inspection It will seem good to have some sort of insignia again. I see most fellows left their patches on their O.D.’s. Mine are in the pockets. I may as well send them home. I bought them. You have one already. We can still wear piping on our hats but I never had any on my suntan. I tried to buy one with red down here but it wasn’t my size, so neither has piping. My O.D. hat still has the red on it and my crossed cannons are on my blouse yet. The colonel has written a song for us and we have to learn and sing it. Wow. Is it corny. It smells. It’s to the tune of “America the Beautiful.”


We’re going to be the Engineers

Who make things pos-si-ble

We’ve got to learn our A B C’s

And get things in our skull


America, America

You need us that we know

We’ll do our bit – don’t throw a fit (whew!)

Just give us time we’ll grow.


And with that bit of corn I’ll quit for tonight. One guy got heck from the Luie for writing so I’ll quit before he sees me. For tonight love and take it easy.



A Pain in the Neck

Sunday July 4, 1943 [“4” is a firecracker]

8:10 p.m.


Dear folks,

Here I am in study at the end of another weekend. I don’t know how much I’ve accomplished but I’m tired of studying so I’m writing this for awhile. I’ve studied pretty steady all day except for meals and about two hours. Last night after I finished your letter I wrote a card to M.S.C. to give them my address and a very short letter to Aunt Marie. Then I took them down to the post office at about 7:30 and went on to the show. I saw a newsreel which showed the Memphis Belle airplane, a short about Nevada, another short about odd people, a cartoon and “Mister Big” a picture with lots of music and jive and stuff. It was pretty good. After the show I had a milk shake. I got back about 10:10 and read Chem. until lights out at 10:30. I got up at 7 for breakfast – cheese on toast, egg, toast, butter, rice krispies and milk and muskmelon. After breakfast I went to work on my physics lab book and the experiment. I worked from 8 until after 11. Then I worked on History until dinner. For dinner I had potatoes, gravy, dressing, beets, bread, butter, milk and more canteloupe. After eating I went back to the History until close to 2 o’clock. Then I took two hours off to go to a show. I saw a newsreel, a cartoon and “Coney Island” in Technicolor with George Montgomery and Betty Grable. It was another musical and it was pretty good. It’s sort of like back home to chisel out a movie on Sunday only I used to go at night after my work was finished. I got back at 4:15 and swung into Physics on Dynamics. I read that until supper and after supper until I finished the chapter. I get parts of it but most of it is over my head. I had dressing, asparagus on toast, corn, bread, butter, milk and cake for supper. At 7:30 we came over here. I still don’t understand the Physics but I’ve read it and I hope it will clear up when we get into it in lecture. If they’d use English instead of Greek it would help. This a2=a1+oct (omega 2 = omega 1 + alpha t) is a pain in the neck. My work is in pretty fair shape. I have a little more chem. to read (it’s pretty easy so far thank goodness) and a geography test coming up for Tues. I can do that tomorrow night. So I guess I haven’t done too badly. I may not have done really an awful lot but except for the two shows I’ve been behind a book most of the time. I imagine you folks are up there yet. It’s been nice and hot here although a little cloudy around the horizon at times. For some reason I can’t think of much to write tonight. I didn’t do much to write about and I have no letter to answer. I didn’t send any laundry this week but I expect to next week along with a lot of junk and my shoes maybe. I haven’t much accumulated as yet except socks. I hear it costs the gov’t from $4 to $5 a day to keep us here so I guess I’ll have to give them their money’s worth. I still wish I were paying for my own education. We are supposed (we hear now) to get a choice of where we go so far as is possible. If I ever get a choice you know what it will be. It sounds now as if we’ll be here for 36 weeks or all 3 basic terms (if we stay). I really haven’t been able to decide just what the percentage of flunks will be. Maybe it will be pretty low after all. Well this is a heck of a letter and it probably looks as if I’m not taking much interest but I can’t seem to find much to write about. So for this time I’ll quit at 9:15.




Sherbet Ice Cream is Usually a Little Watery

Happy Birthday


Monday June 28, 1943

12:30 noon


Dear folks,

Back once more. After I finished your letter last night I wrote a card to Aunt Edna to answer her letter. Then I took a shower and got to bed at about 10:40. I was up at 5:15 and dressed for reveille at 5:30. When we came in I slept until 6:45. Then I went to breakfast – fried egg, potatoes, toast, butter, shredded wheat, milk and an orange. After breakfast I made up my bed and shaved. Then I changed to fatigues for Phys. Training. We played volleyball until about 9:10. It began to rain hard so we quit. I took a shower and put on clean socks & underwear and my suntans. We went to Military at 10. We spent the hour on Army Organization again. From 11 to 12 in English we had more talks. On Wed. we will write a theme in class. I think I’ll write on what I did in the army before I got here. At 12 we hurried back here to eat. I had steak, potatoes, gravy, beans, raw carrots, bread, butter, milk and pudding. Now I’m back here. It’s still rainy so I guess we’ll have to carry our raincoats. I expect your Thurs. & Fri. letters tonight. You are up to date to 12:40. See you later.

Back at 6:45. I wrote a card to Cpl. Johnson in Frisco. At 1 we went to class. We had Physics Lab from 1 to 3. They gave us an experiment about which we knew nothing. I worked out a method but it wouldn’t check. Finally we found we’d been weighing a clip that was not supposed to be. I was right but the instructor didn’t act as if he knew what it was all about. I have to finish the writing up and figuring for the experiment for next Monday. They seem to toss us into the middle of things without any explanation. Physics isn’t hard if its’ taught right. From 3 to 4 we had History. That’s never very exciting. 10 pages to read for Wed. From 4 to 5 we had study. I worked on the physics experiment but these study periods go pretty fast when one has something to do. We came back here and I shined my shoes that were repaired, put in laces, and cleaned the ones I’m wearing. At mail call I got your Thurs. and Fri. letters. I read them up until chow time. For supper I had potatoes, carrot, beans, beets, bread, butter, milk and cake. Now I’m here writing. I have Geography to study tonight and also Physics and Chem. if I get around to it. I can stay til 11:30 but it cuts off a lot of sleep. Now while I’m waiting to go to study I’ll answer your letters. We have a new order not to play any instruments in the barracks. It is aimed at the kid who plays the accordion. I wonder about radios too. Your Thurs. June 24 – I’d just as soon have tan hankies also. Some fellows get breaks on furloughs. If I had stayed in Calif. I wouldn’t have gotten one much sooner if any. The gen’l service men were just getting theirs after 10 months. All of them that were left + about 50 L.S. men were ahead of me. He’s out of uniform with a white shirt & suntan pants. I’m going to do my best on this work but I’m not going to run myself into the ground studying. The interest isn’t here if you know what I mean. Oh I’ll get good grades I rather imagine but as yet I don’t even know what I’ll get out of all this. Maybe when I get it I won’t want it. Nate will probably be put in school. An apprentice seaman is the same as a private. I haven’t stayed up any to write or study yet. I had my way but it was too slow for this. There isn’t that much time. If you ever saw the rush at mail call you’d see why we write every chance we can. My roommate has been wondering why he didn’t get any mail but tonight you should have seen him when he got 10 letters. One of the fellows smokes but not much. I’ve never seen them drunk but they may drink. I may send my bag home sometime. The new shoes fit swell. You hang on to my good watch for awhile yet at least. This one is still struggling. Lomax works for Buerrman Marshall over there by Stachel’s according to the clipping you sent. I thought he was over 16. Julius will be 20 on Thurs. Your garden doesn’t sound so healthy. I’m not spending much time writing to Bernice or any one else.

Now your Fri. June 25 letter – Don’t worry about the W.A.A.C.s. That won’t affect you a bit so forget it. It’s not a gov’t order yet. So forget it on your birthday. You should read the clippings you send and see where it said for those interested. I wrote a theme in the 9A about Mrs. C’s backyard. Sherbet ice cream is usually a little watery. We’ve all had all we want of the army but we will get more and more and more before we are thru. I guess that covers most of the 2 letters I got today so I’ll quit to go to study at 7:25.

Back at 9:50. I came over here to study and spent the 2 hours reading about 30 pages of Geography. I stayed on and worked on a physics problem. I got part of it finished but it is a little off. I’m quitting now and going back. I’m going to get my sleep just as long as I can because I expect to have to stay up later eventually. Tomorrow night I’ll have to plan my theme. This isn’t much of a letter but I’ve cut them to just short sentences mostly. Until tomorrow good night and since this should come on Thurs. I hope your birthday is the happiest it can possibly be. I had hoped it might be different but I guess not. Good night and love,



Here Comes Scottie

Saturday June 19, 1943

9:45 a.m.


Dear folks,

Here comes Scottie [This may be a reference to the smaller notebook paper he is writing on.]. Now I’ll see how my letters compare in length with yours. Last night after I quit writing I shaved and took a shower. I shaved in the latrine in order to keep my sink clean and also so I wouldn’t have a light on in my room. I didn’t have a mirror but I didn’t need it. When I finished my shower, cold water, lights were out so I quietly got to bed. I was up at 5:45 this morning. I dressed before reveille. When we got back in we made our beds, swept and dusted and got things in order before breakfast. For breakfast I had potatoes, scrambled eggs, w.w. toast, butter, jam, Rice Krispies, milk and an orange. After breakfast I put on my clean set of suntans, my clean tie, and the underwear you just sent. I brushed off my shoes and waited. We were to be ready for inspection by 8:00. At about 8:45 I took some papers over to Hdqs. Then I came back and waited some more. Finally we had the inspection at about 9:30. They didn’t find anything wrong with the room. He did seem to think my G.I. belt was a little worn. For all the work I put on the room, they hardly looked at it. They didn’t even look into the closets. We even had to button the flies on our pants hanging in the closet. I think we were well prepared but they really didn’t do much inspecting. It’s sort of disappointing but if I hadn’t cleaned it up they would have been sure to look. Now I’m writing while I wait for the next move. They have us assigned to sections so we may register for classes this morning or afternoon. Classes may start Monday. Also we start getting up at 5:15 which is very bad. Also the other company is getting a 3rd set of suntans for the men so maybe we will too. I have a set of O.D.’s, my G.I. suntan pants, the shirt I bought, a tie, and a belt to send to the cleaners. I also have to try to get that shirt. If I could I’d send the one I bought home because I know they’ll never get it clean. I’ve worn it 11 days so you can guess what the collar is like. I wore an already tied tie for inspection today. It’s like the ones I used to wear that Aunty sent only tan. I don’t like it too well. I’d rather have the regular kind. I’ve got to get one or two more. I lost that one G.I. so I only have one. It has to go to the cleaners because it’s nearly black. My cleaning bill will be $1.20 this week. I didn’t send any laundry out. All I have is 4 prs. of socks, 3 towels, a wash cloth, 2 shorts and 1 shirt. I may rinse them out myself or wait and send them to you to wash. Whenever you send don’t bother about Spec. Del. because it doesn’t make enough difference. It did in Calif. but not here. While I’m waiting for developments I’ll answer your letter of Tues. June 15 which I got yesterday.

Back at 6:15. This has been a fairly busy day. I didn’t get in to mail any laundry but I didn’t have much anyway. We had to fall out so I quit writing. We got bunks for our rooms so we changed to fatigues and brought them in. It was a nice job to carry a wooden double deck bed up to the third floor and it was terribly hot today. We got rid of our canvass cots and made our beds. I got the top one. This bed making is a waste of time. The top sheet and blanket have to be folded back so its 24 inches from the head and the fold is 8 inches wide. The pillow is 4 inches from the fold. I finally got mine made. I think I’ll sleep on top and cover up with one of my G.I. blankets so I won’t have to make it up every day. When I finished I put my suntans back on and sorted my laundry. I had 4 prs. of socks, 3 hankies, 3 towels, 2 shorts, a shirt, a belt and my gloves packed in that busted shoe box. About that time the mail boy brought me a letter, your Wed. one and said I had a box downstairs. I didn’t know what it could be because I hadn’t heard another one was coming. I got it and signed for it and was I surprised and happy. I gave a hasty look thru it and had to fall out for announcements and dinner. For dinner I had steak, potatoes, gravy, corn on the cob, salad, bread, butter, milk and bananas fixed with some sort of custard. It was good. I hurried back and read your letter and looked to see what I really had Oh boy. I really didn’t ask for you to buy all of that. I just listed the things I needed. You sure went over the top on that. All I can say is thanks but I still think I better pay for it when I get paid. I hate to have you use that other money. I’ll leave it up to you though. The 3 shirts at 38 are just O.K. I haven’t tried the T shirts but they look as if they will fit O.K. They are what I’ve been wanting. When I take off my shirt to play, I won’t get burned too much although my back seems to be tanning and not burning this year. I’ve taken it very slow. Wow those shorts really have color but 69 cents is awful. I remember that 3rd pair too. The socks are swell. I now have 22 pairs so I guess I’ll make it O.K. Day before yesterday I had 8. The short ones I’ll use for dress, the 2 brown and 2 white pairs. The 4 pairs of khakis are almost identical to G.I.’s. Maybe I can turn them in for salvage when they are worn out. G.I. stuff can be turned in for new. The 3 prs. of white ones feel like they will be very good at absorbing sweat. The only thing is they will soon be stained brown but maybe not if I wear them one day only. The pair of sweat socks are almost identical to G. I.’s and are just the thing. Boy was I glad over those 2 ties. This cheap one I got in Frisco isn’t much good. I don’t know how you did so well but they are the nearest to a G.I. tie I have seen yet. I tried to find some in various places but they were all too thin. Those are just right and I’ll surely make good use of them. I sweat under my chin and they get dirty in no time. The candy bars were O.K. despite the heat and 3 of them are no more. The shoe laces are already in my oxfords so you see I am glad for every bit of it and I sure do thank you. That was real service but it must have cost doggone near 10 bucks altogether. At 1 we fell out, those of us who have but 2 sets of suntans and we went after more. I got another set. I got new pants but the shirt is used. It is one someone has lost thru the laundry. It is minus a button at the collar. It isn’t in bad shape though and I am glad to get the 3rd set. That simplifies matters a lot and with your contribution the picture is looking much better. I had to fall out again at 2:15 or so to go register for classes. That took until 4. I was surprised at our schedule. I had expected to be shoved a lot of math, chem., physics and technical stuff. We’ll have plenty of that but here’s my schedule as it stands –

Military (drill & class work) Mon., Wed. & Fri. 10 to 11, Thurs. 4 to 5 and Sat. at 1:30

Phys. Training – Mon. Wed. & Fri. 8 to 10

Algebra – Tues., Thurs. & Sat. 8 to 9

Geography (here’s a surprise) – Tues. & Thurs. 2 to 3

Trig. – Tues., Thurs. & Sat. 9 to 10

Physics Lecture – Tues. & Thurs. 11 to 12

Physics Lab – Mon. 1 to 3

Physics Lab Drill (recitation I guess) Tues., Wed. & Thurs. 1 to 2

Chem. Lecture – Tues. & Thurs. 10 to 11

History – Mon. Wed., Fri. 3 to 4

English – Mon. Wed., Fri. 11 to 12

The Geography, History and English really surprised me. It seems more as if we will get a general course than a too highly specialized one. It looks pretty good to me even if I don’t care for the English. My day is going to be full from 8 a.m. on. Whenever we have a free hour and from 7 to 10 at night we have supervised study. Lights out will be at 10:30 and bed check at 12 so I can chisel extra time if I need it. I heard what term 2 is getting and I’m glad I’m here in I. They get Analytic and Descriptive Geometry both. I think we have too much physics and not enough chem. but then I guess I shouldn’t complain. After we got back from registering I took my cleaning – O.D. shirt and pants, suntan pants & shirt and tie – $1.10 – over and left it. I inquired about my lost shirt but they were busy and I had to get back for a formation at 4:30. We fell out and the Lt. cautioned us about being nice little boys while in town. As soon as it was over I beat it over to the field house. I was tired of not getting anyplace so I asked just how long I’d have to wait before I got a shirt or my shirt. They hunted thru all they had. None was mine. They had one which no one had claimed for a long time so the gave it to the air corps supply sergeant in exchange for one in my size, The ones in my size were new so I finally got it straightened out and I got a new sport model shirt. Mine was new too so its’ a good exchange. I now have 3 sets of G.I. suntans plus the shirt I bought myself. I sent it to the cleaners. I don’t think there is so much chance of losing things thru the cleaners. I marked all my stuff very plainly. With 4 shirts & 3 prs. of pants I guess I’ll do fine. I came back here and spent the time before supper rolling my new socks and putting my new stuff you sent into my foot locker. I took my dirty clothes out of the box and put them in my barracks bag. I threw away the busted boxes and waste paper and put my laces in my R.O.T.C. shoes before supper. When I went down I found a letter from Lillis from Stanford like I found the card from Aunt Edna last night. I read it while I ate – potato salad, beans, celery, carrots, w.w. bread, butter, milk, and cake. Then I came back here and finished taking care of all my junk. I then put on my new shoes and boy are they nice. The last two days have been pretty swell for me. I’m clear again I guess so maybe I can start classes Monday in a better spirit. I’m latrine orderly until tomorrow noon. I looked at it once or twice. I’ll clean it in the morning. I want to send my laundry home but it sort of has me puzzled. You see I won’t get thru until about 3 on Saturdays. I don’t know whether the post office will be open by the time I get in. Then again I have nothing to pack it in. Can one send parcel post with postage C.O.D. or collect? Do you know? Anyway I’ll see if I can’t get in early next week. Today has been busy and sort of exciting. I hope I get along O.K. and I think I will. We are free now to go anywhere within 15 miles of Fayetteville until 6:30 Sun. night. As soon as classes start we’ll have study periods from 7 to 10. Then when do I write letters I’m wondering. I’ll have to get caught up tomorrow. I have letters from Kircher, 2 from Amelia, Mrs. C., Dick H., Lillis and a card from Edna to answer. I still haven’t answered your Tues. letter or Gram’s and now I have the Wed. letter. I’ll try to get them done tomorrow. We probably won’t have a mail call tomorrow. I doubt if this will be picked up until Mon. but I’ll mail it anyway. I’m quitting now at 7:15. I think I’ll go into town and maybe take in a show if it looks good. So for tonight Thanks and love from




Tuesday June 15, 1943

12:05 noon


Dear folks,

I’ll write while I wait for dinner. Last night after I wrote to you, I wrote short letters to Julius and Bart. That took up pretty close to 10 o’clock so I quit and went to bed. I was up at 5:45 this morning. I dressed and made up my bed before reveille. After reveille I came back and we cleaned the room before breakfast. Breakfast was creamed dried beef on toast, potatoes, Krumbles, milk, toast, butter and prunes. I couldn’t mail the letters in the box this morning because the box was so full the lid wouldn’t open. One of my roommates mailed them after the mail was collected I guess so it got a bad start. After breakfast I came back and got about ½ hour cat nap before we fell out at 8. We had some announcements and then came back and changed to fatigues for drill. We drilled off and on from 8:30 to 11 in squads, platoons, and as a company. I drilled the squad some and they didn’t run into any walls. Each of us took turns. It’s hot today but there is a stiff wind blowing and it’s not so noticeable. We had several long breaks this morning. We are no longer restricted to quarters. After supper evenings we can now walk around the campus. They are going to show us the limits. We don’t know about weekends. They are talking about letting us go one week and the air corps the next. I don’t care too much. All I’d do would be go to a show on Sat. night anyway. We can have visitors from 7 to 8 at the Union on Mon. and Wed. evenings. I can’t see anything to that. There’s nothing to stop us from talking to people anyplace on the campus that I know of yet. Tonight at 7 we have to go to the Greek Amphitheater and practice singing. You see the air corps boys sing all the time. We tried it but it was lousy, so now we practice at night. Pooey. We quit drilling at 11 and I came up here and washed some and changed to suntans. Then I took a little bunk fatigue until mail call. Bunk fatigue is stretching out on one’s bunk and closing his eyes peacefully. I got your Fri. June 11 letter p.marked June 12 at 10 a.m. Chow call.

Back at 12:55. I read your letter and the clippings. Then I wrote until dinner time. Dinner was spaghetti, some kind of squash, salad, w.w. bread, butter, milk and cake. Now I’m back writing again. We’ll probably fall out pretty soon. I hear we are going to play games all afternoon. I don’t know what kind of  a student union they have here but maybe I can get some writing paper and stuff there if I go over tonight. The one we had at M.S.C. was swell and probably better than most schools have. Now to your Fri. June 11 letter – I see Ray Davis is a corporal now. Well he didn’t do any better than Hugh but he has about 6 times as much mouth and self importance. It would have been swell if I could have seen a graduation at M.S.C. with all its trimmings. Of course it won’t be as usual this year but maybe it will be before too long. I don’t ride on trucks very much and I never have ridden that way. What were they, 1 ½ ton trucks? You see what suntan uniforms look like anyway. If I can’t get a set here I may have you buy me some pants 32 waist, 33 long, shirt 15-34. I got that $2 bill in change someplace. I thought the card was cute and sort of to the point.  We wore plastic helmets at McCoy over our green wool caps when we drilled with rifles. I was a squad leader at McCoy. Three squads usually make up a platoon. The doctor didn’t say anything about my throat or eyes. He just asked what my vision was. I’ve got to clean out this pen again by the looks of things. I’ve never had a real hike. My longest was 7 miles. Regular outfits get 20 to 25 miles with full pack, rifle, and steel helmet. Nobody criticized me about commanding. Maybe there is no sulphur in coal smoke but something blackened and tarnished my buttons. I know what it is to dig in and work and I can do it but whether that will get me anywhere here or not is hard to tell. Marks may not determine whether we stay or not. At the end of the term, probably a certain percent will be reassigned as corporals and T/5’s various outfits, others will go to O.C.S., still others will go back.

Back at 5 to 9. I fell out for announcements and then we walked all around the campus so we can see where we can and can’t go. The theater is about 75 feet off limits. Then we came back and changed to fatigues. We fell out at 3 and I played volleyball until 4:30. Then I came back and shined my shoes a little, shaved, took a shower and put on my suntans. We got a small talking to about this and that before supper. They had an inspection this afternoon and I guess all was not so good. For supper I had onions, salad, meat loaf, potatoes, milk, bread, butter and ice cream. Then I beat it over and stood in line about 45 minutes to get my laundry. I got it and right away I saw I was minus. I brought it back and opened it but had to leave for formation. We went over to the amphitheater and sang for an hour. I walked from there to the Union and got an ice cream cone and came back here to check my laundry. It was worse than I thought. First of all I turned in 7 hankies. There are 2 columns on the list. One for my count and one for the laundry. They said on the list that I turned in only 4 by their count so I got 4 back. I wasn’t going to kick too much. One was a white G.I., another was a green one with an A, and I don’t remember what the 3rd was. The rest of the list corresponded O.K. but when I counted the stuff on the inside I was minus 1 tan shirt, my G.I. web belt and that white wash cloth with the lavender edge. They wrote on the list that the hankies weren’t there but the other stuff was supposed to be there. So tomorrow night I’m going to file a complaint. I’ve probably got 1 chance in 25 of getting the stuff back. If I get the shirt I’ll be happy. You see I sent in 3 shirts, my 2 and one for another fellow. I got 2 back, they’re both my size but one is his because his were the new heavy gabardine kind. I’ve had all I want of the Fayetteville laundry. If you think we can make a go of it I’m willing to try Ma Forist’s Laundry. At this rate I won’t have any clothes left by a month’s time. If I send my shirts, pants and ties to the cleaners, I can either try to do the rest myself or send it to you. I’ve got to get the shirt. I can get along without the other stuff if I have to. Boy what a mess. It makes me feel disgusted, mad, and everything else. Now I didn’t get these in to the cleaners either. I’m getting sick and tired of worrying about laundry and dry cleaning and having a clean shirt.  My morale is at a new low. I’m going to kick but I’ll bet $5 I won’t get any of it back. I’m charged with the shirt. I can get another belt and some white hankies and the other stuff was my own but it’s hard to get shirts just like G.I. Well I guess I may as well quit moaning but it sure is a great setup. If I get to town Sat. I’m going to get some sort of container to put my laundry in and send to you if you’ll do it. In the meantime I’m going to try to wash out my own smaller stuff.

Well I guess I better finish answering your letter. I’ve gone back to free mail so you use 3 cent mail too. We have lots of cake and the ice cream here is really swell.

Well that’s your letter. I guess I’ve said about all there is to say today. I suppose some one could of removed stuff from my laundry while I was gone because it was open but none of the stuff was there before anyway. I thumbed  through it quick and it was just as I left it when I got back. I didn’t miss the shirt the first time but there were 2 and I sent 2. I forgot about the 3rd one. Every day I stay in this — army I wish more and more I was out. If it isn’t one thing, its 10 and when they start giving demerits for every little thing I’ll be ready to quit. I came here to study and learn not play wooden soldier. I sure hope I at least get the shirt back. I really doubt it though. Well I guess I have poured on enough gloom for one night so I’ll quit. I’ll keep you informed of developments. Keep writing,





I probably won’t get a letter tomorrow if you wrote a combined Sat. & Sun. letter.

All This Formality and Crap

Monday June 14, 1943

7:45 a.m.


Dear folks,

I’ll write until I have to fall out for something. Last night after I finished your letter I read a little. I saw a fellow going to the field house to mail a stack of letters so I gave him mine. There is a large box over there. This morning the small box here, like the one on Elm & Cedar, was jammed full and there was a Gerber baby food carton full on the ground besides. I went over to Johnny’s apartment of [for] awhile. They were having a bed check at 8 so I came back here. I read some more, and played on my harmonica for awhile. Finally I took a shower and went to bed. It thundered and lightninged a lot last night but it cleared away without raining. I woke up this morning and looked at my watch. It said 10 to 6 so I got up. The fellows were all up in the other rooms. The charge of quarters is supposed to turn on the lights in each room at 5:45 and wake them but I guess he skipped us. I dressed, splashed a little cool water in my face and smoothed out my bed before reveille. After reveille I had to tear my bed apart because instead of making it now we have to fold all the bedding and pile it up on the head of the bed. Then while the other fellow swept, I dusted and wiped off the mirror, etc. If never before, I now appreciate the value of using door nobs. All the doors are ivory and you know how fingerprints show on that. I can see that will be a daily job – washing woodwork. We fell out for breakfast at 5:45 but by the time I waited through the line and ate it was 7:30. I had scrambled eggs, toast, butter, Krumbles, milk, and an orange. Then I came back here and dusted my shoes to go under the bed. I gave a brushing to the ones I have on and we finished up the room. Fall out somebody says at 8 a.m.

Back at 10:10. I wrote on this then until 8. We fell out and were formed into platoons with our own cadet officers. Then at about 8:30 we started drilling. We marched until 9:30. Then they told us a few things and sent us back to get ready for an inspection. I have the room pretty well in order I guess so I’m writing while we wait. They say they will try to get us out next weekend. If this isn’t the screwiest deal I ever saw. There isn’t a thing to have to stay in all weekend for. We have no studying to do as yet. We probably won’t start classes till next week. Another group has just come in from Stanford. The latest Stanford group went to Ohio State. Maybe in a few days I’ll be more cheerful but they are treating us like a bunch of rookies. They tell us every time we turn around that we are all considered future officers. Maybe because as near as I can tell this is modeled on O.C.S. It’s supposed to be an organization with our own Cadet officers. Most of them are the boys who had stripes when they came. I’m not kicking because I think I should be one. I know I can’t drill a group of men. I didn’t come here for all that junk anyway. I came to study and learn but that appears to be only secondary from what I have seen or heard. We are still waiting for the inspection. It probably won’t come off like the rest. I hear there is a huge stack of mail from over the weekend. I hope I get some. Well I guess I’ll quit for awhile at 10:30.

Back at 11:45. I was reading some more dog stories when somebody yelled mail call. I thought it was a joke because mail call is supposed to be at 12:45 but I went down and there was a huge accumulation of mail from over the weekend. I got the Fri. June 4 letter and the big one – June 5-11. I also got a card from Julius which had gone from Frisco to Stanford, to here. Then there was a short letter from Bart forwarded here. He answered much better than I thought. Most fellows say they’ll write but don’t. So for the last 45 minutes or so I’ve been deep in that 28 page letter. Those letters probably came in yesterday so I can’t judge the speed very well. It’s about 2 days by air mail and from what you said free mail goes just as fast. I think we may as well use regular mail. It will cut your postage in half and erase mine. What do you think? Anyway lets both do the same. Now I’ll have some mail to answer and something to do. There still hasn’t been any inspection but we’ll probably have to play ball or something this afternoon. I still say we could just as well have had this week off because we are just passing away time until things really start. But I guess the Colonel is a little more important that I am (yet).

Julius sent a very pretty card of mountains and rivers. The mts. are about like the Ozarks – rolling and covered with trees.  He wants my address which I have already sent. He got A’s in Chem. and physics. He is taking calculus and mechanism in summer school. Evidently the army has forgotten him. I wonder how some fellows stay out so long as they do. I got a kick out of Bart’s letter. He said he was on the graveyard shift and writing to stay awake. I judged my successor rightly I guess. Bart and Haxton both wish I were back. The new fellow thinks that in 2 weeks he knows more than either or both of them. Bart says personally he doesn’t care for him. I didn’t either and I only saw him one day. The new system is in effect but he says it is harder to read than the old one. I just noticed the letter is dated April 7. He must have been pretty sleepy. He says now that I’m not there he’ll have to buy a dictionary. Bart is a funny guy in a lot of ways but I like him. He’s quiet but nobody’s dope.

Now to your letters. First Fri. June 4. – Nate won’t be out much longer. As if he were the only one who wishes the war would end. He has time for things he really wants to do the same as I had at school. I sent him this address but I won’t write unless he writes to me. Palo Alto is about 15,000 people and about a mile from Stanford. You figured out S.O.S. O.K. You got the idea. The muskmelons were pretty good. I wish I could dig into watermelons like I did last year. We had a broken one very day it seemed. When I think of the spirit I had last year and then look at myself now there’s no comparison. We have no chambermaids. This is the army! Ginger bread is O.K. I like it quite well. I haven’t had my brain crowded much yet. All we’ve had is hup, two, tree, fo,——. I think my nerves will hold up O.K. I have no bathing trunks so I was in the water without them. (Dinner at 12:30)

Back at 4:45. I went to dinner. I had spaghetti, red beans, salad, bread, butter, milk and chocolate pudding. Then I came back and put on my fatigues. At 1:30 we fell out for athletics for two hours. I played volley ball all afternoon. At 3:30 or so we came back here. I brushed half of Arkansas off my shoes and then polished them. Then I took a good shower and except for clean socks put my dirty clothes on. I should get my laundry this afternoon. Then if I send my suntan pants to the cleaners they should be back before Saturday. In that way I guess I’ll be set for inspection. Now back to your letter. Nobody laughed because I waited too long before running. They wouldn’t have made us go in with a cold. They warned us to get out if we felt chilled. There is a sick call every morning for fellows to go to if they don’t feel well. I doubt if you could get those glasses put in these kinds of frames. These are [sketch of glasses] whereas the others were [sketch of different shape glasses]. They would have to make a whole new set of glasses. I believe I would like a set with their rims for dress as you say although one feels funny when he changes. It ought to be cheaper to get those repaired than to get a new set made. I don’t think they would bother to grind the glasses to fit a different frame. Anyway I could use another pair. These probably won’t be broken but it’s a good idea to have 2 pr. just in case. If you get plastic ones they will just throw those away and it seems to me as if a new nose piece could be put on and they would be O.K. again. You do whatever seems best to you. You’re there and I’m not but let me know what it costs. See. Dad better keep his dollars. I got a good enough pennant for 50 cents. The books were issued to us free. After all it’s part of our equipment. The payroll is usually signed on the 15th. We’ve turned in our pay books and they promised us every cent we have coming up to July 1 on June 30. That will give me over 90 bucks plus whatever I’ll have left. I’d have plenty if I’d been paid. I don’t know anything about the new income tax setup but I hope I get some back. Maybe you will too. That covers the Friday June 4 letter. Lomax must be approaching 18 if you know what I mean.

I tried to go get my laundry before supper before the crowd but the C.Q. said we couldn’t go. If this isn’t the screwiest, nonsensical, downright crazy, idiotic, and moronic system I ever saw I don’t want to see any other. They treat us like a bunch of prisoners so help me.

Now to the big letter – Sat. June 5 – I’m a lot nearer home yet the mail goes no faster. You got my Tues. letter on Fri. the same as from Frisco. I guess we’re lost in the sticks. Don’t let Dad run off down here too soon. In the first place the only time I might (I emphasize might because demerits etc. could make a difference) be off is on Saturday from about 2 until 10 and Sunday from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. We can’t stay out overnight. They do in other schools but we are an exception. Then again it’s a long trip down here and I don’t know how hotel space here would be or anything like that. Train accommodations are pretty lousy now. This is undoubtedly one of the hardest places to get in and out of. Sun. June 6 – Does dad have to use ration coupons for work shoes or does he get an order from his boss. I’d rather be back in the store I think than being a soldier in civilian clothes. The big mountains aren’t between us now but some mighty punk railroads are. Dad needs a good diet and plenty of rest. Union meetings, council meetings, he really is on the go. I don’t expect to celebrate the 4th. We’ve been here a week and can’t even walk on the campus yet. I think myself that the young doctor is better. Calif. is terribly damp in spots and that isn’t good for sinus. There is no pool on the campus so I guess the swimming is out for awhile. Stanford had a really swell pool. It was better than M.S.C. I guess little George will get his share of K.P. and the rest whether he did or didn’t like it at home. I think they should put men where they are fitted. Hugh picked his job and got it.

Back at 6:50. I fell out and marched to supper. It was potato, dressing, gravy, spinach, pickled beets, w.w. bread, butter, cake and milk. After supper I signed out and went after my laundry. It won’t be back until tomorrow or Wed. If I send out this set of suntans I’m wearing so they’ll be back by Saturday I’ll have to wear wool O.D.’s and I sweat enough as it is. This shirt I’m wearing will be so dirty they’ll never get it clean. I notice a snag on the sleeve too. I guess the best thing for me to do is send them to the dry cleaners instead of laundry. They cost more but come back in 3 days or so. I think I’ll send these out tomorrow. Then I’ll wear O.D.’s for 3 days. These should be back by Sat. so I’ll have 2 clean sets and once I get started I may be able to keep it going O.K. It takes a lot of planning but if the company doesn’t come through we are up a limb. What a life. Now I’m back so I’ll go on where I left off with the letter. Now to Mon. June 7 – I’m glad you got the cards O.K. and I thought you’d like them. I don’t suppose they have them here but then they might. How do those pictures of soldiers get into the paper? Aren’t they sent in? I mean the Journal doesn’t hunt around for all that. It’s sent to them. I’ll probably like the work but I don’t like the methods. The people here have a prominent drawl and “you all” to their talk but I sort of like it. I’ll be talking the same way in a few weeks maybe. I guess Jan 2, 1943 is a date we’ll remember quite awhile but it’s not so important as some others. I guess by now I’ve answered your question if this is a warm state. I imagine though that it gets cold here in the winter. Now Tues. June 8 – I just took time out to watch the air corps boys march and sing. It must be a graduation or something. I’m glad I have seen things but I still would rather have stayed at home. So you sent the mail order out. Then maybe I’ll be getting some things in a week or so. I imagine a parcel will take 3 days. I have been thinking of that laundry idea and it doesn’t sound so bad. I could get a laundry bag (about 3 of them) to send the stuff in. That would eliminate boxes and string and stuff which I wouldn’t have. I could send it out on Sat. You’d get it Tues. Then say on the next Mon. you’d send it back. I’d have it by Fri. In the meantime I would have sent some more on the next Sat. That would make 3 bunches. If I got enough stuff I could do it O.K. I’d send my uniforms to the cleaners. You could handle underwear, socks, towels, hankies, wash cloths, fatigues, and the like. After the first week you’d be sending some to me on Monday and getting more on Tues. I’d get it on Thurs. or Fri. and send on Sat. Once it got rolling it ought to work. Maybe we’ll try it. I don’t know how the cost would run. The blimp is like the Akron and others the Navy used to have. I’ve kept the pennant flat but the one from Kansas City is a little wrinkled. I don’t play as well as I used to because I don’t keep in practice. I wonder if Walt really learned. I’ve learned a few tunes I didn’t play before. Johnny is German I believe. There is one thing wrong with him – he’s married. It doesn’t seem possible. He’s too much of a kid himself. He has a Thorens something like mine only not plastic. The way things are run around there we probably won’t get any time off at all. We could have had this week off. I never thought Miss Scott would get married. I’m glad for Walt that he could get to Illinois. I wonder if he has any stripes yet. He’ll probably get them. Wed. June 9 – That makes all the cards I sent from California. I have a bunch of cards and folders to send soon. I wrote on the train with the window curtains down and the lights on. Then I turned off the lights, closed the curtains on the berth and pulled up the window shades to look out. I never heard about the zoot suit gangs until I left Cal. I guess most of them are in L.A. They are just kids who think they are somebody because they are the oldest ones still out of the army. 160 of us came all the way from Frisco here without an officer in charge. We had just a buck sgt., one of the boys. A line to the mess hall whether it’s in a station or where is habitual in the army. Wherever we see a line after we get out we’ll automatically get on the end. I hate to think what will happen when kids blow whistles. That boat ride was I believe the smoothest ride I ever had. I compares with Mac’s hydramatic. Boy that drove smooth too. I guess I didn’t gain anything by mailing that letter in Imlay, not even a post mark. I have a lot more cards I hope you’ll enjoy. Thurs. June 10 – You should have seen the boys scratch fleas at Columbia Sq. About 2/3’s of them had fleas in their bedding. They would lay it on the grass to sun or to lie on and I think that’s where they got the fleas. I never had them bother me. Well a flag on the house too. Does it go up at reveille and down at retreat. Retreat is at 5:15 p.m. Didn’t you think I was still a kid? I always will be as long as I can. I’ll probably have to get another haircut. We are supposed to get one every week. I think I’ll get a butch and then I won’t need to bother. I was never drafted before. Next time I’ll know what to expect. If I thought there would be a next time, I believe I’d go over the hill and head for Guatemala or someplace. Fri. June 11 – Since my air mail to you and the free mail to Dad got there together I think I’ll use free mail for awhile. The service in air mail is no better than at Frisco. I sent Pop the Father’s Day card because I wanted to. It was a bit early but I guess that won’t matter too much. There. That answers your letters and catches me up thru last Thurs. and part of Fri. I ought to get another letter tomorrow unless you wrote a combined letter over the weekend. I’ll be glad when I get all my mail coming direct. Everybody has my address by now so it shouldn’t be long. I sent it out Tues. & Wed. of last week. You got mail on Fri. so by now even the farthest ones have gotten it. Tonight there was no mail call but my room mate found a letter for me at the desk. I guess there were a very few. It was from Pvt. Fred Kircher at Ft. Custer. He is at the station hospital. They’re given his leg the once over and he is going to get a C.D.D. (Disability Discharge), we call it a Section 8. You see he is a member of the E.R.C. and has to have a discharge in order to get out. I believe I’d rather be here than have the leg he must have by now. He had been there 11 days on June 5. He wants to get to summer school at Bay View June 28th. Boy what I’d give to be up there again. Even the army would be pleasant there. He mentions a P.X., Red + canteen, pianos, radios, & library so I guess he finds enough to do. 6 months after his discharge he is eligible for the draft. I can’t see that. Nate’s brother got a section 8 and is still on the loose so far as I know. That’s my mail today – 4 letters and a card. I’ll dash off letters to Fred, Julius, and Leldon (Bart – his real name is Leldon Eugene Bartlett) maybe tonight before I go to bed. We may start classes in a day or so and then I won’t have too much time to write. I guess you’ve probably noticed from my letters lately that I’ve felt a little low. Those letters from home today, especially the 28 page one helped a lot. Once we get the real work maybe it will be O.K. If you send a box please throw in a good big shoe polishing rag. Maybe I can buy one here in town but nobody knows when I’ll get there and I guess we are on the merit (mostly demerit) system now. That’s the part I’m going to like the least about this. If we’re here to learn and to specialize why throw in all this formality and crap of the old peacetime army. I’ll admit it looks good but it still wastes valuable time. I don’t know what our schedule will be but if [is] going to be tough I’m thinking without having to measure the fold on our bed and all that old foolishness.

Well I guess I’ve run down for tonight. I have 7 pages of paper left. If I write to the 3 boys tonight, it will leave me just 4 sheets. I have quite a few envelopes and a notebook so I can tear out sheets and write on that until I get some paper. They are getting some stuff for us from town tonight but I doubt if I’ll be able to get any. Well I’ll call it quits. This may be the last really long letter for awhile if classes start. Anyway we’re both caught up. Write as you always have. Take it easy.



Buck, Woody, Arkie


Just plain Son


I think I’ll save those stamps until I hear whether it will really make much difference.

Never Will Be a Good Army Man

Thursday June 10, 1943

12:30 noon


Dear folks,

I’m back again. I’ll write until I have to go out. Last night after I finished your letter I wrote cards to the rest of the people I thought might be interested in my address. Since you said Mrs. C. gave Stachel’s my address I sent them a card too so they won’t write to Calif. or send it to Walt as that. That took up to about 9 o’clock. I got to bed at about 9:30 I guess but it’s too noisy to sleep until 10 when lights go out. I went to sleep right after 10 and woke up when somebody turned on the lights. I looked at my watch. It said 5:15 so I turned over and covered up my head and went back to sleep. We don’t get up until 5:45 so the lights were turned off until then. I got up then and dressed and fixed my bed up. We fell out at 6 for reveille. Then I came back in and cleaned up around my bed until time to go to breakfast. Breakfast was scrambled eggs, toast, butter, rice krispies, milk, and a BANANA. Can’t you get any bananas at all?

1:15. After breakfast we came back here and I took it easy until we fell out at 8 for drill. They divided us up into companies alphabetically and then arranged us by height. Then from 8:15 to about 10:30 we drilled in squads, platoons and companies. We had an occasional break but it’s still too hot. Finally we came in and had to arrange our stuff all the same for Sat. inspection. I fixed up my stuff, shined my shoes and then lay down and nearly slept until we fell out for dinner at about 11:30. We marched to eat and I was lucky to be one of the first. Since they rotate I will be nearly last tonight. The meal was good. We had beef (or pork), potatoes, dressing, string beans (or carrots), vanilla pudding (or chocolate), bread, butter, and milk. The stuff in parentheses is the choice we had but I didn’t take. I should have taken the chocolate pudding but I thought I was getting lemon. It was good anyway. I took my time coming back and got back about 12:30. I wrote until mail call. I got your Thurs. June 3 letter so I read it and the clippings and now I’m writing again. The mail is doing swell. It’s only taking a week to go back and forth across the country. Lots of times it has taken that long just to get to Calif. It sure is hot. It was sprinkling a little around noon but it didn’t last. It was raining yet no clouds were overhead. I don’t know what we’ll do this afternoon yet but I hope it’s easy. I’m signing off now at 1:25.

Back at 7:00 – 8 for you. Let’s see, if I remember rightly Baby Snooks should be on. About 5 minutes after I quit we fell out and drilled until 3:00. We drilled in squads and each of us had to take turns in commanding. I didn’t do bad or very good either. I don’t think I’ll ever make a good driller. At 3 we came in and changed to fatigues. Then at 15 to 4 we fell out and marched to the tennis courts and basketball fields. We had our choice of basketball or volleyball. I like basketball but I knew it was too hot to play such a fast game. I took the volleyball at which I was a complete flop. I can get the class work but they’ll find I’m a complete bust at these games, most of which I never played. Incidentally they say we will drill only once a week when classes start. They didn’t say how long though. Maybe it will seem better when we get into our permanent quarters and start regular classes. We played until 4:30. We came back and I grabbed a shower and put on clean socks. I can’t put on clean underwear as I have none. I washed the sweat off but it’s all back in a short time. I’m sitting here now with my shirt off and I can feel the water on my back. Incidentally my forehead, nose and especially the back of my neck feel pretty touchy from too much sun. I guess I didn’t burn my back much though. I changed to my suntans and we had a physical exam again at about 5. They asked if we had fevers or sore throats and looked at our chest and backs. I think they’re hunting measles. I loafed around until supper time. My shoes were red from playing in the dirt so I had a little trouble with them. I was near the end of the chow line so I sat down on the lawn under a tree and waited until the line shortened. I wasn’t going to stand in the sun and fry if I didn’t have to. It’s really nice here in the shade but in the sun it’s very hot yet the temperature is not so high as in Frisco. It’s the humidity. I wish I could wander around and look at the campus and town and the swell wooded hills all around. When we are released I’ll have too much work to do. Supper was beef, potatoes, gravy, tomatoes, little radishes (can you picture me eating radishes?), cake, biscuit, w.w. bread, butter and milk. After supper I came back here. Mail call was over but I didn’t get any anyway. I got mine this noon. Now I’m writing. I suppose tomorrow will be the same again. Saturday we have an inspection by the Colonel. I don’t know if we’ll have Sat. afternoon and Sunday off or not. If we do we’re still confined to barracks. I should shave but this shaving every day is making my face tender and besides there’s too many waiting to use the sinks now. Maybe I’ll wake up in time to get up early in the morning. There’s no drinking fountain in the gym. We have to go to the lobby and we can’t go out there without shirt and tie. I put some in my canteen, but it doesn’t stay cold. Now to your letter of Thurs. June 3. – That’s quite a graduating class. I know or know of some of them. The mail may have slowed up over the holiday. That’s why you got 3 at once. That makes air mail seem sort of useless though. If it’s as hot there as here I can see why dad is worn out. Why doesn’t Dad ride the buses or are they so crowded? I won’t sit up to write because I couldn’t if I wanted to. When lights go out we go to bed. It isn’t like the camp in Col.Sq. I really don’t know what the chem. engineering will lead to but it isn’t building bridges and roads that’s a cinch. I’m bound to learn some chemistry which I can use. Maybe I’ll like it better than straight chem. My buttons look awful now and my shoes don’t polish up right either. I need a buffing cloth. The one you sent to McCoy has ripped into several small pieces. I get a glow but no real shine. They need to be washed with saddle soap. I have lost about 7 pounds according to the last time I was weighed but its still 155 or 6 more than Pop. I can’t get the milk and ice cream here like at Sequoia. I can put the hand cream on my sunburn. It will cool it. I could and do get things but right now I’m where I can’t. I expect to be here 3 months and maybe 5 or 6 so this address will last awhile. I put just a couple drops of hair tonic on. My feet would smell but I wash them at least once a day. I really should have clean socks at least every 2 days. The same with underwear when it’s this hot. You remember how I sweat at the store last summer. I’ll be paid in full on June 30. I didn’t get the shoes. If you have a spare sugar stamp that no one is going to use don’t let it go to waste. Get a pair of 9 ½ or 10 oxfords, brown with plain toe either laced like the ones I have or with the buckle. Just a little large for Dad will fit me. I’ll pay for them. But if anyone needs it don’t do it. See. You have until June 30 on that stamp don’t you. I have to get these tapped if I can because the soles are shot. I can probably get a certificate here but it will take a little time. I wish you could do up my wash and patching. It wouldn’t cost me any more than laundry. $1.40 for what I had this time. It probably would have come and gone for $1.00 postage but it’s a little impractical from such a distance. I would complete the course if I went thru but I would not get a degree. I might get a commission but I doubt it. I guess I’m in Term I but I’ll be able to do work. I doubt if we basics will ever finish. They may take us out as soon as we get the main points mastered. I may be wrong on that. We work on the cadet system which means demerits for this and that. I’ll get plenty of them probably. I am not and never will be a good army man. I can learn the class work but I don’t give a rap for the rest. I wouldn’t have gotten the A in R.O.T.C. if they hadn’t marked solely on tests. The same goes in part for Phys. Ed. It was the final exam. Gramp’s memory is terrible. I think you know when you were born O.K. You ought to, you were there. I haven’t had a letter from Gram since May 17 that I can find anyway. Oh yes, here’s one I got June 1. It was postmarked May 27. Is that the one you mentioned? There is no swimming pool on this campus. There is one in town but I hardly think we’ll use it. You know I’ll get home as soon as I can. I wish it were right now and I mean it. Nate is a lucky guy if he doesn’t know it. A whole year in school makes quite a difference. The pre-meds are here as engineers though. That’s the army way.

Well that brings me up to date to 8 p.m. today. I think I’ll quit and take it easy the rest of the day. After I use up these air mail envelopes I’m going to use Free mail. I doubt if there is much difference from this distance. So for another day so long and take it easy. We just got another group of men in. This place is really full. Well good night.





Pretty crude but it’s entirely from memory.

[map sketch of the Midwest, with dotted line from Fayetteville to Lansing]

Just the Tops!

[Enclosed with a card – message “Happy Birthday, POPS! Pajamas have pants an’ a jacket! (Of course you know that Pops!) But I don’t need to send you BOTH – Because you’re just the “TOPS”!”]


June 8, 1943


Hi Dad,

I’m jumping the gun a little with this card but I guess it will be only about a week early. I have the date written down someplace. I think its June 20. I bought this card at the Stanford bookstore and carried [it] across the country with me. I hope you like it. I’m at the University of Arkansas but I don’t know yet how I’ll like it. Things are pretty confused yet. I hope it will go O.K. for me. I don’t want to have to wish I were back in Frisco. Well Pop I hope you have a nice Father’s Day and that you feel O.K.




Here Is I Again

This still isn’t my address for sure.


Monday, June 7, 1943

7:35 a.m. Central Time


Dear gang,

Here is I again. I’m bouncing along somewhere in Eastern Kansas headed for Kansas City. I finished your letter last night just before we got to Pueblo, Colo. We stopped there to unhook the diner so we had quite a bit of time. I went over to the depot and mailed your letter and then bought a couple folders. One shows pictures of Southern Colorado, the other shows the Royal Gorge with the Bridge and everything that I tried to describe as I saw. Pueblo is quite a large sized city with trolley cars, etc. We left there just before dusk. A short way out we passed another army camp but this was much smaller than the other. I learned that the big one was Camp Hale. From Pueblo on we hit the plains and left the mountains behind. As soon as it started to turn dark the porter began to make up the berths. There wasn’t anything to do so I washed up a little and went to bed at about 9:00. We passed through a fairly large town and then stopped at the next town while they repaired the water tank on a Pullman. The fellows were getting off so we jumped into our clothes and got off. It was La Junta, Colo. They didn’t have much but I did get a folder on Denver Mountain Parks. Some of these folders aren’t the exact places I’ve seen but they give a good idea of the type of places anyway. I got back on with my folder and went back to bed. I looked out a couple of times during the night but I could see only about 100 feet for fog. When they called us for breakfast my watch said 4:30 but we entered the Central time zone during the night so it was 5:30. I got up, dressed and washed and then went out on the platform. It was and still is very foggy although it is very slowly lifting. We stopped at the town of Newton, Kansas and ate breakfast in the station lunch room there. It was scrambled eggs, potatoes, fried corn meal, jelly, toast, butter and milk and an orange. After breakfast I bought a folder on Kansas and its capital and 3 cards. I sent one to you and have the rest here yet. Johnny found some card maps so he gave me one of those also. We were there quite awhile. We finally pulled out and I sat and looked out the window until the porter made up the seats. Then I started to write. We passed through Peabody and Strong City and stopped a couple of minutes at a nice little town called Emporia.  We just now went thru Lebo. I remember from literature that Emporia is the home of Wm. Allen White, editor of the Emporia Gazette and a famous journalist. You probably remember his son Bill White who used to report from Helsinki when the Russians invaded Finland. When we left there I came back to writing and here I am.

When I saw Kansas in Feb., I didn’t think it could ever look good to me but it does now. It’s the nearest thing to home and Mich. that I’ve seen in 5 months. It’s still flat although it is slightly rolling in places here. I am south of where I came thru before. But now the fields are green and the trees are leaved out and in places it looks just like a little corner of Michigan. The god forsaken appearance has disappeared for me. The fields are green with hay, corn, or wheat and cattle are all around. I guess I’m pretty clumsy at saying things but in plain words it looks swell to me. The mountains are beautiful and awesome but aside for seeing them on a vacation or trip I wouldn’t care to live there. I’ll take Michigan. The towns here are quite frequent. They are neater and better looking than the ones out west and they are something more than just railroad sidings. We used to say out west in Kansas but it doesn’t seem like the west to me. I guess my conception of distances has changed. Remember 53 miles to Cheboygan? We asked the girl in the restaurant how far it was to Kansas City. She said it was an awful long way. I suppose it was to her but 200 miles doesn’t seem like much anymore. We are really hitting it off now as you can see from my writing. We are to reach Kansas City in about 2 hours.

I now have a lot of folders and cards. I suppose I should have mailed them at the places I bought them so they would have the postmarks but I didn’t. For one thing I didn’t have stamps and also I didn’t have time to put the little arrows and remarks that I like on them. Johnny just said it seems good to see something besides palm and eucalyptus trees and I agree. The only tree I recognized in Calif. was the elm. We are going thru farm country that very easily could have been whacked out of Michigan and set in Kansas. Well I guess I’ve run down for now so I’ll stop for now and be back later. This will probably be mailed from Arkansas. 8:55

10:30. We’re 10 miles from Kansas City now. We’ve been rolling along pretty fast. We went through one section of woods and ferns and stuff on low rolling hills that sure was like Northern Mich. We’re out on flatter ground now and we are following the Missouri River. There are a lot of gravel pits along the river and the towns are getting closer together. The gardens are pretty far along out here. The tom. plants are real large and the spuds are in blossom. We’re in a big R.R. yard now so Kansas City must be close. Off at 10:35.

5:00 p.m. Sitting in the Kansas City yards waiting to leave. It will be pretty late when we hit Arkansas now. We got in here right after I quit writing. We got off the train and lined up and walked over to a lunch room in the basement of the station. For dinner we had tomato juice, salad, potatoes, peas, buns, butter, milk and cake with lemon sherbet. After eating they took us upstairs to the lobby and told us to be back there at 3:45. Johnny and I headed downtown. It was quite a walk. We stopped in a barber shop and got our hair cut. I hadn’t had one for close to two months. I got gypped I think. Haircuts are 65 cents. He asked if I wanted anything on it. I thought he meant to dampen it a little so I said yes. The guy put some goo on and gave me a massage and it cost 90 cents. From now on I don’t want anything but a plain haircut. From there we went on downtown and looked around in several dime stores and just walked around. I got a pennant and some cards and a folder. We were going to go to a show to see Gildersleeve but it didn’t end until 3:42 so we knew we wouldn’t have time. We started back and I got me a shirt on the way back. I figured if we wear suntans I’ll need another shirt so I bought one. – $3.01 with tax. The tax here is by mils. They have little tokens they use for tax. Johnny got a handful in his change and he gave me one. He got a shirt and belt buckle in another store and then we came back here at about 2 or so. We looked around at all the stores and shops in the station and then we went across the street to explore the Liberty Memorial Building. I bought some pictures of it so you’ll see a little of what it’s like. It is really a joke now because it is a huge memorial to the peace of World War I. In the middle is the tower which we didn’t go up. The city was covered with smoke and haze so we didn’t figure we could see much. We did explore the buildings on each side. One is a sort of church. The other is a museum of clippings and odds and ends of the war. We spent some time there and left at about 3. By then it was beginning to rain a little. We went back to the station and looked around. There is a book store, a drug store, a toy shop, a lunch room etc. in the huge station. We wandered around and I got a few cards and another folder. I also bought a couple of little trinkets for you which I’ll mail later. I don’t like them as well as I thought I did but I think you’ll like them maybe. I hope so. We’re moving out now. I’ve added a new state to my list – Missouri. I’ve got a lot of stuff to send home now. I don’t know just when I’ll send it but I’ll do it as soon as I can. We’re angling south now so this is the closest I got to home. Arkansas here we come. We waited around the station until 3:45. Then they got us together and we went down to supper. It was grape juice, salad, turkey, macaroni, peas, bread, butter, milk, and cake with sherbet again. Then we got together and they counted us to see if we were all here. We got on the train and here I am. I’ve got to watch how I spend for awhile. I wasn’t paid so I’ve got to make it last until July 1. I have 30 bucks now. I had 43 when I hit Stanford 2 weeks ago. I spent 5 today and the other 8 went here and there for candy, ice cream, stamps, shaving cream and this and that. I broke one 5 since I started this trip but it’s gone for cards, folders, etc. etc. I really don’t mind because I don’t go on these kind of trips very often. I’d have plenty of money if I get paid. I’ll get 93.50 next month I hope. I’ll make what I’ve got last O.K. I think. I don’t want to draw on what little I had saved because it had a purpose. We are going thru a moderately woodsy sector now a lot like parts of Michigan. It will be very late when I get to Arkansas so I may not write any then. I’ll leave this open and may add an ending tonight or it the morning. Right now I guess I’ve covered everything except I don’t care for Kansas City very much either. So for now I’m signing off at about 6 p.m. somewhere in Missouri.

Back at 8 p.m. somewhere in a freight yd. in Kans. or Missouri. We’ve been going along the state lines so I don’t know which one we’re in. We won’t get there until about 6 a.m., so I am going to finish this and mail it. I hear we make to [two] changes and stopovers. It sounds to me as if Fayetteville will be a hard place to get into and out of. It will take a lot of time off a leave. Well I’ll quit for Monday June 7. I’ll try to mail this tonight yet.




See You in the Next Envelope

[enclosed with photo postcard of Stanford Campus]


June 3, 1943


This is a view of the campus taken I suspect from the tower shown in the other picture. You can see how everything is built around close together on what is known as the quadrangle. The building with the curved tower is the church you’ve seen in other pictures. We live in the clump of trees in the upper right part of the picture. This makes the third bunch of cards I’ve sent besides the first 3 in one of my letters. I sent two envelopes of cards of Frisco and one with the paper in it on one night. Then the other night I sent out 2 more envelopes with cards. Let me know if you get them all. I was afraid maybe they might be a little heavy to go free but I think they would go anyway. Haxton dropped an air mail letter in the box without a stamp once and it went thru and they paid at the other end. There’ll be 3 more envelopes this time. In one bunch were 12 pictures of Frisco. The one the other night had 8 of Stanford. Tonight I am sending 7 more. With the first 3 that makes 30 cards recently. Let me know in your first letter to Arkansas if you have them all.


See you in the next envelope


It Will Take a Bigger Library

[enclosed with a photo postcard of Hoover Library]


June 3, 1943


This is a picture of the Hoover Memorial Library. It is by far the highest and most outstanding structure on the campus and is visible for quite a distance. I’ve never been in it but I understand it contains the world’s most nearly complete record of World War I. It will take a bigger library than that to house the record of this one I’m thinking. I haven’t been out much after dark but I don’t remember seeing it lighted. I imagine this was taken before the blackout restrictions were enforced. This I think is the nicest building on the campus.


See you in the next envelope again.


The One I Least Expected

Wednesday June 2, 1943

6:45 p.m.


Dear folks,

No mail from you today so this will be a little shorter. After I finished writing to you last night I wrote letters to Aunty, Lillis, and a card to Aunt Edna. Then I polished a pair of shoes and took a shower. I got to bed at about 10 I guess. The captain and the 1st/sgt. came around at 10:30 and made a bed check but we were all in so it was O.K. I got up at about 6:15 and dressed, made my bed and swept under it. They called roll this morning before breakfast to see if anyone was gone. One fellow was AWOL for 3 days before they missed him. We marched to breakfast. It was oatmeal, milk, tomato juice, roll, and a couple of eggs so soft boiled I didn’t care for them. We got back here in time for 8 o’clock formation. We heard announcements and then waited around until about 8:30. Then we marched to the drill field and drilled for over an hour. After that we had about an hour of tough calisthenics. We marched back, changed to O.D.’s and marched to dinner. I had potatoes, jello, ripe cherries, milk, whole wheat, and butter. I didn’t care for the sauerkraut and wieners so I skipped them as I passed along the counter. After dinner I got my mail. It was a letter from Corporal Miller. Yes old Hughie is now a corporal and he’s pretty proud of it. I’m glad for him too because next to myself I’d rather see him get it than anyone I can think of. I had a little time at noon so I started a letter to him and wrote until the whistle blew. At 10 o’clock we went to class. First we went to math. We had some woman instructor who started right at the beginning of things and rambled on for the hour. She covered a lot of stuff I suppose I should read but I probably won’t. She gave us an assignment of about 8 problems. I did part of them in class and the rest since then so I’m through with that. Then we went to physics and the fellow spent the hour on mirrors and images. I recalled a lot of things I thought I had forgotten. He said we might look it over in the book if we had time. Then I went to chemistry. The fellow spent the hour on questions on chapters he had assigned for today. I wasn’t there yesterday so I hadn’t read it but I answered everything he asked anyway. He suggested we read a couple chapters for tomorrow. None of the instructors seem to take much of an interest. At 4 I came back here and left my books. I had an Eskimo pie and chocolate milk, At 4:30 we fell out and marched to retreat. From there we went on to supper. It was roast beef, potatoes, gravy, beets, sliced tomatoes, cake, raisin and white bread, butter, and 2 bottles of milk. After supper I came back and finished my letter to Hugh and then started this to you so here I am. I have to shave and take a shower yet. I think I’ll go out on the campus for awhile.

Now hang on to your hats. The lieutenant from Hdqs. came into class today and read a list including me and it is a shipping list to go to the University of Arkansas. Of all the places to go that’s the one I least expected. According to him, strictly off the record, we leave tomorrow or next day. He said we might not have classes tomorrow so I may not bother to read the stuff. I know enough to get by for a day or so. I am not crazy about the idea of going there but there’s nothing I can do about it. It has one advantage. I will be much nearer home and can probably get home on my 7 day leave which we are supposed to get every 3 months. I only have to cross Missouri and Illinois to get to Michigan. Just where in Arkansas it is I don’t know but I hope it’s the northeast corner. Anyway that’s the story. My mail will get into an awful mess. I suggest you stop writing here but keep track of the last letter you send in any event so I’ll know when I have them all. I may not have a chance to mail letters from the train so don’t be alarmed if you don’t hear anything for a few days. The trip will probably take close to 3 days. It’s nearly as far as from McCoy out here I believe. I’ll have to get a map to see just what the situation is. I had hoped for Ohio State but I’m doggone glad to get off this coast. There are a lot of newspaper headlines around here that I don’t like. If the Japs do decide to start something here I want to be far, far away.

Back at 8:45 and eating a pint of chocolate ice cream. Last night I had a pint of vanilla and raspberry. I shaved, cleaned my teeth and washed and then took off for an hour or so. I and another guy walked around on the campus and went over to the museum. It was closed but we found a bone, a rib, about 10 feet long out in back. Must be from a dinosaur. This leaf is from a pepper tree. It’s where those little black pickling peppers come from It’s now 8:55 and I guess I’ve covered the day.

All I know for sure is that I am supposed to go to Arkansas in a day or so. I’ll keep you posted as I go along. That’s the best I can do. If the mail stops for a few days don’t worry. My mail is apt to get into an awful mess from here so you better hold it until I get landed. For tonight then so long.




Then I Got Ambitious

Sunday May 30, 1943

6:15 p.m.


Dear folks,

Memorial Day. This won’t be too long because there isn’t much to say and I didn’t get any mail today to answer. Last night after I finished your letter, I dressed and signed out for Palo Alto. I left at 15 to 8 which was too late really. I started to walk but a soldier stopped with a car and gave me a ride in to town. The town is a nice quiet, neat looking place. I walked the length of town looking for a place to get cards or souvenirs. I didn’t find any so I went to a show at about 8 o’clock. I should have known better than go so late. I went to the Varsity theatre which is quite an attractive place built on Spanish lines. I bought a couple candy bars and went in. I saw “Enemy Agents,” a spy story, a short about the war, a newsreel and part of “Hello, Frisco Hello.” You see we are supposed to be in by 10:15 so I left at 10:00. I saw the last 5 minutes and the first 10 or 15 minutes of the picture and that was all. I came too late. That was the picture I wanted to see. It was in Technicolor and about Frisco. I left at 10:00 and walked back here. I got here at about 10:20 and signed in and went to bed. I guess I could have stayed and seen all of the picture because most of the guys signed in at 10:15 at around midnight and nobody said anything. Anyway I got in so that’s all that matters. I slept until about 7:15 this morning. I got up and dressed and read the funnies until time for breakfast. We marched to breakfast. I had Kellogg’s 40% Bran, roll, milk, and I can’t remember if we had fruit or not. Oh, no, we had orange juice instead. We also had S.O.S. (initials for what the boys call —- on a shingle). It is creamed meat of one kind or another on toast. When it’s dried beef or hamburger it’s good but today it looked to me like diced ham so I didn’t eat any. After breakfast we came back here. I finished reading the funnies and then lay down and slept until about 11 o’clock. I got up and wrote until dinner. We marched over to eat and had to wait a long time but the meal was worth it I thought. I had breaded veal, mashed potatoes, gravy, buttered peas, biscuit, butter, milk, berry pie and a half of a cantaloupe. After dinner I came back and finished writing. I wrote letters to Amelia, Elmo, and Dick H. in answer to the letters I got yesterday. After I finished writing the other fellows were all gone so I tried to rinse out some socks, 2 prs. of brown and 2 prs. of wool ones. Then I got ambitious and swept and mopped out the room, cleaned the sink, and wiped off the mirrors. That lasted me pretty well up to supper time. I had an Eskimo pie during the afternoon. I have my share of ice cream now instead of so much candy. Supper was about the usual Sunday night G.I. meal – soup, crackers, potato salad, ripe olives, cheese, white and dark bread, butter, milk, and ginger bread. After supper I am back here now writing. We had just one mail call today and I didn’t get any. It looks like spare time will be pretty scarce as soon as I get into refresher courses. They have a schedule on the bulletin board. From 8 to 9 and 9 to 10 we get military science. From 10 to 11 – phys. ed.; from 11 to 12 military science again. From 12 to 1 we eat. Then from 1 to 4 we have 1 hour classes in Chem., math and physics. From 4 to 5 we get phys. ed. again. From 5 to 7 we eat and are free. From 7 to 9:30 we either have study periods or military correspondence whatever that is. Maybe its time to write letters. From 9:30 to 10:30 we have a whole hour to ourselves. That won’t leave much time for writing. Just when that goes into effect I don’t know. Up until now the refresher courses have been sort of hit and miss. It will be a little different once we get to a regular unit. They have about 6 hours a week each of  phys. ed. and military, where we have here about 15 hours of mil. science and 10 hours of phys. ed. Dick H. writes that John Elsenheimer, a kid we know, is going to U.C.L.A. and is carrying 24 hours of work. I had 17 ½ at State. It is possible I might be sent to U.C.L.A. – Univ. of Calif. at Los Angeles. It’s hard to tell. I’ll probably put in about 2 weeks at least here yet. We hear that Santa Clara is full. Maybe they’ll have to open courses in some of the Midwestern and eastern states – I hope. I don’t like the sounds of Oklahoma or Oregon. If I have to stay out here I think U.C.L.A. would be O.K. probably. Give me Illinois, Indiana, or Ohio State if possible. Well it’s 7 o’clock here now – 10 for you and I’ve got nothing else to say so I guess I better quit. I ought to get some mail direct here in a day or so. So far I have had no opinion from you on this setup at all. Well I’ll call it quits for tonight. If you went up there I hope you had a nice weekend. I don’t suppose Dad will get tomorrow off for today’s holiday since he works but 5 days a week. Take it easy.



Son  [sketch of him with nose in a book, captioned “me pretty soon”]

Yipee, Hooray and Stuff!



Saturday May 29, 1943

4:30 p.m.


Dear folks,

Well I don’t know if I should be congratulated or not but I’m in. I go in as a Basic II in Chemical Engineering. That is somewhat equivalent to being a sophomore in college but we cover a year’s work in about 3 months. I’ll go into it in full when I come to it in my chronological report of the day’s doings. After I wrote to you last night I put a little more oomph on my buttons and polished off my shoes again. Whenever I take off a pair of shoes I try to leave them with a polish. That way I nearly always have shined shoes on hand if I need them. Then I went down and got a ½ pt. of milk and drank it. I am averaging a quart of milk or more each day now. Maybe I’ll fill up these pants again in time. I’m sleeping and eating regularly again for a change. According to the scales I’ve gained a few pounds since I’ve been in the army but I’d swear my belt was getting longer for awhile there. I came back up here and took a shower. I redressed and made my bed and walked around the dorm a little. Finally I went to bed at about 9:10. I get plenty of sleep. I was awake before the whistle and got up at 6 this morning. I find I am awake mornings waiting for the whistle to blow. I dressed, made my bed and we swept out the room before we fell out for breakfast. It was oatmeal, milk, scrambled eggs, applesauce and cinnamon roll this morning. After breakfast we came back here and mopped out the room and then waited around for inspection. The captain made a hasty survey and found a few things wrong but nothing serious. The mirror was a little dirty and we had a couple of dust rags tossed in a corner of the closet. After inspection we fell out and heard instructions. Then we changed to fatigues and marched out to the drill field. They had a soft ball game and some of the fellow played with footballs. I was content to sit in the sun. I’m trying to slowly get a little tanned without burning. My back seems to be coming along a little but I really burned my face. My forehead and nose are peeling from it now. That Woodbury lotion feels good. I am getting a little low on it and I’ll have to get some sometime soon. I’ve got to get me some shaving cream in the next couple of days too. I bought a small bottle of Vaseline hair tonic last night. It’s the first stuff I’ve bought to put on my hair but it’s been a little unruly so I thought I’d get it. It doesn’t smell and you don’t need a lot of it. We were at the field until about 10:45. Then we tromped back and changed to our O.D.’s again to fall out and march to dinner. No kidding, I’ve done more marching in the last 6 days than I have in the past 3 months since I finished basic training. No matter where we go we march in formation. Dinner today was pretty good. I had hash, vegetable soup, crackers, biscuit, butter, beets, milk and rhubarb.

Back from supper at 6. After dinner I came back here for mail call and got 4 letters – your Mon. letter and ones from Amelia, Elmo, and Dick Hollingsworth. I read them and then we had to fall out to hear announcements. All of us who have been taking these tests together were scheduled for interviews at 3. I came up here and shaved, washed, and cleaned my teeth. It’s getting so I have to shave every day and a half now and it’s a nuisance but I guess it can’t be helped. I shined my dusty G.I. shoes and then I took a quick shower. I wanted to look O.K. for the interview but I guess it wouldn’t have made much difference. I put on my new underwear and the socks. The shorts are a trifle large around but if they shrink any it will be O.K. The shirt and socks are O.K. I put on my freshly cleaned O.D.’s that I have been saving and my oxfords. I still have them all on. I may take off and see what Palo Alto looks like after I finish this. I have this one clean set of O.D.’s. The other set is pretty dirty but I don’t dare get both sets dirty at once. It’s a risk to send them to the cleaners because they tell us we may be here 2 or 3 days or 2 or 3 weeks. It’s like the reception centers. I’m beginning to accumulate a lot of dirty socks and underwear too so I guess I’ll have to rinse some out in our little corner sink before I run out. When I got dressed I went down and ate an Eskimo pie while I waited for proceedings to proceed. They took us through by alphabetical order so I waited about half an hour. I really didn’t think I’d flunk out because anyone under 22 who is brought here usually has the qualifications for basic engineering. I walked in and saluted and sat down. The officer says, “I see you are 20, that gives us a lot of leeway.” He looked over my record of past studies in high school and college and came to the conclusion I should be in Class II of basic Engineering. I asked him if he were sure I was capable of handling it and he said he saw no reason why I shouldn’t. As I figured I did very poorly on the physics test. But he said I must have a very good knowledge of basic math because I did excellently on the math test and that I must have really remembered high school chem., because I did unbelievably well for having had only 1 term of general chem. in college. He asked me if I were interested in the program or if I were just here because someone told me to come. I told him I was interested. He said that I should be able to do very good work and not just average. I let him know I have never been content with just the average. He asked me what I liked and I told him my interest was in chem. so he said he would recommend me for chem. engineering. He also said I will have to do some make up in physics to refresh it but that with a math basis such as mine I could pick that up as I went along. That was that and I saluted and left. I came up here and wrote on this until time for supper. We marched over and had potatoes, gravy, pump. and white bread, butter, carrots, salad, cake and milk. Then we came back and here I am.

Now probably you are wondering the same thing I have thought of. Will I like engineering and can I make a go of it? It isn’t exactly the thing I think I wanted. I never thought I had much aptitude for engineering. But on the other hand I never had much aptitude for K.P. or shoving shells into a 90mm. This is I believe my best bet. If I wash out I’ve lost nothing and certainly gained a little. I had no rating to lose. Julius is now taking chem. engineering so if he can make it so can I. The only trouble is the speed with which they shove it at you. It comes in 5 units, 1 and 2 as basic and 4, 5 and 6 as advanced. Each lasts 3 months or in other works [words] one if he went clear through would get a complete engineering course (4 years normally) in 15 months. If I start in Class II it means that if I go straight through I’ll come out a chem. engineer in one year. It is most likely that the war will last a year and if Churchill is right, much longer. In all probability I would come out with a commission. On the other hand, as I said the course is split up into 3 month terms. At the end of each term one has to go before the board. They may and probably will put him back if he is doing good work. On the other hand they may send him to O.C.S. or reassign him to some outfit as a trained technician with a no-com rating or if he has shown exceptional ability along some particular line they may send him for a different type training. In other words all I am in for is 3 months. Then I may go back for 3 more, I may be sent to O.C.S., I may get away from the engineering and get into chemistry maybe, or I might be reassigned to some outfit and given a rating. Personally I think I’d like to go on through and finish. It’s very probable we’ll finish with commissions as high as captain. Of course that’s in the future a long way but then a lot of things that were in the future are now in the past. At any rate I’m going to do my best and it will be no cinch. I’ll be assigned to refresher courses next week so I can be getting things in mind until I am shipped. I reckon it will be out here someplace. The school I’ve been mentioning was Ohio State at Columbus, about 400 miles away from you, but the shipment for there is already up and since not many go there my chances are relatively slim. Basics go there, to Univ. of Cal. at Los Angeles, to Univ. of Cal. at Berkeley near Frisco and to Oregon State. Of course, other schools may need men by the time I leave. You see the number of men available here is sent to Washington and then requisitions for different schools are sent here. Michigan trains engineers but I guess it’s advanced and the units are probably full. I remember you sending a clipping once which said M.S.C. was training a few engineers as well as the 1500 air cadets. At the time I had no interest in engineering but that’s too much to hope for anyway. The point is I want to get as close as possible to home because I may get time off at the end of the 3 mos. which is some time in early September. Well I guess I’ve said enough about that and about all I know now anyway. I hope I am at last getting a break.

Now to your Mon. letter. Those flowers were very pretty. I see I am one of 15 from the class of 1946 who is now in uniform. It looks like a lot of boys aren’t going to finish school. That is a very bad thing. They tell us one reason for putting us in school is because many of our educations were interrupted and statistics indicate most of us won’t go back. Old man Sohn went out in a hurry too like his boy. Monday was quite a day for you and also for me. I wonder if Gram’s birthday had anything to do with Gramp’s coming. I got a letter from Amelia today saying she was over to see you. She always answers in a hurry. I’d like some of that pudding again. How old was the keepsake? Did he mention the rest of it? I never write very nice letters to them because I can’t think of anything to say but then I don’t know what kind of letters he is used to getting from his folks. It’s nice I didn’t disappoint him although I can’t see where I’ve done anything to make him have feelings of either kind. I haven’t done anything to surprise him that I know of unless it’s because I didn’t do a lot of sobbing about being drafted. I don’t know about the desk job but so far I’ve done O.K. by myself in some things. I hardly think you need worry of my being different in the wrong way. There probably will be a noticeable change because I am at the point where a person makes a turn over. I’m at that 7th year point you mentioned a lot. I would have done the same changing at home but it would have been gradual and less obvious. I don’t think I’ll be going to the dogs right away though. I am getting the mail O.K. and in sequence now. If I move any distance I should know a day or so in advance and I’ll send a telegram telling you to hold the mail. If it’s just to Santa Clara or U.C.L.A. it’s not far and they can easily forward it to me. I hope it’s about 2500 miles northeast mostly east. That was my first so-called blind date but he is a pretty decent acting fellow. Plain t-shirts are O.K. by me because now I am no longer in the coast artillery or won’t be much longer. At Frisco I was on Special Duty. Here I am on Detached Service but when I’m shipped I will no longer be on D.S. but will be reassigned to an A.S.T. Unit. I’ll have to take off my red piping on my hat and my Western Defense patch and my crossed cannons. No insignia or chevrons but I won’t have to take off any chevrons.

Yes my pen goes pretty steadily but it is a very good one. All it needs is good ink and an occasional cleaning. I didn’t do so bad on my socks but a couple more pair need fixing now. If I ever got within 100 miles of home I’d dump the laundry and patch work right smack in your lap. I won’t change anymore going to school now that I would have done at M.S.C.  C.A. (AA.) is a combat outfit in the sense it would go into action in case of an attack. Also it is possible some units may be moved to Hawaii, Panama, and Alaska where we are in control and no fighting is in sight. That is purely rumor but I can see where it is very possible. Maybe by the time I finish with this training the war will be over. I see no reason why I couldn’t use those shirts regardless of where I go. If I get where conditions are favorable I want to play some tennis. If I go to Oregon it’s north but not much farther from there. I rather doubt if I needed the army to make something of me. I was doing pretty well by myself up to the time I was drafted. I have no reason to be ashamed of anything that we did or you taught me so you just forget that kind of stuff. C. I guess that answers your letter.

Amelia wrote about being over to see you. Fred will finish in New York on June 15 and be sent to Cleveland. He hopes to get a leave then. Russell is still in San Diego. Jack Niklas and Bill Webb are also coming or I should say going home on leave soon. Bob Niklas is at Jefferson Barracks in Missouri. Elmo wrote to find out why I hadn’t written. By now he probably has my last letter. Dick just answered the letter I wrote. We don’t say much to each other but just write a lot of junk and flowery language. Judging by his letters one would never picture him as he is. Well I guess I better quit before I exceed my 6 cents worth. It’s now 7:30. I don’t know whether I’ll go to town or just loaf around here and read funnies I see here on the table and maybe answer those letters. I can see very clearly that once I hit the real work my letter writing to outsiders will cease. A card is all they will get and I expect about a page a day will be my limit to you. I’ll see when I get to it. Well good night and take it easy. I’m glad I’m not a disappointment to anyone.




MSC ‘46


Let me know as soon as that new delivery set up for mail becomes effective so I will be using the right address!

Rah Rah Joe Buck the College Kid

Monday May 24, 1943

Stanford University

Sequoia Hall

Palo Alto, Calif.


Dear folks,

Well here I am. Don’t ask me how I like it because I don’t know. If I were free to come and go as a civilian student it would be heaven and the next best thing to going to good old beautiful M.S.C.

After I wrote that short letter to you last night I went over to the mess hall and saw the tail end of a movie. It was “Swing It Soldier.” I saw the picture before back home on Xmas 1941, the night Julius and I took in 2 double features. After the show I went back and got to bed at about 10:30. The boys rolled out at about 4:45 to go on the morning alerts. They eat afterwards now. I got up at 5:30, washed, dressed, got a snack – rice krispies and an apple and was ready to leave at 6:30. I got my stuff loaded on a truck and rode as far as 211th Hq. in Vallejo. There I met another kid and we rode in a carry all to Brigade hdqs. in Frisco. So for all the good it did I could just as well have stayed in Frisco and had a full day off. But that’s the army. We waited around at Brigade and finally got started. We then had four men and a variety of bags and trunks. We rode in a big 2 ½ ton truck with the canvas off. It was very cold and foggy in Frisco but as we came south it got hotter and hotter. The scenery and buildings are much more attractive down this way. We passed through Daly City, Redwood, San Mateo and other smaller places.  Judging from the homes, the wealthier people in Frisco must live outside. It was a nice ride and very entertaining for me. We got here about 10 I guess and we drove and drove around this campus for nearly an hour trying to find where they were supposed to deliver us. After many stops and retracing of our paths we finally arrived at Sequoia Hall which was once a boy’s dorm before the army moved in. We unloaded our stuff and were marched off across the campus to dinner. I think I’ll like the food and no K.P. We eat on trays like at Custer and they have silverware. For lunch I had milk, spaghetti, asparagus, white and whole wheat bread and butter and jello. After dinner we marched back and were given a cot, 3 comforters, 1 blanket, a sheet, pillow and pillow case. We were then given a room for 5 of us and we put up our beds. There is a dresser, four chairs, a table, a closet and a sink in the room. It isn’t bad at all. We were taking it easy when they came looking for us. They had a little detail for us at headquarters. We went over there at about 15 to 2 and they put us to work. I took service records out and filed them, and checked out the cards of fellows who are gone. Kinney went to Santa Clara. They seem to stay here from 2 to 4 weeks. We are all practically supposed to be engineers I guess. The biggest groups are going to Santa Clara here in Calif. and to Oklahoma. Give me Santa Clara or U.C.L.A. We worked there until about 4 then we came back here and here I am. They sell milk and ice cream downstairs and I see where I am going to get my share while I am here. We get classification tests in a day or so, 3 hour exams. They will be on math and maybe also chem. and physics. I think I can handle basic math but I’m a little afraid of the other two. Still if Kinney could make it so can I. It’s a little like Custer here. I can see we’ll be stuck for details every once in awhile. The campus is quite large I guess from what I’ve seen. The architecture is beautiful and much better than M.S.C. yet the grounds can’t compare in beauty. The grass around the buildings is cut for hay instead of mowed. I’ll look it over more when I get a chance. I thought I would like to get to school and I believe I do but it makes me a little homesick. For some reason I don’t resent the civilian students, I envy them. I wonder how they keep out of the army. There are a lot of things to tell probably but I can’t think of them now. I bought about 15 cards in Frisco last week showing views. You probably have most of them on those folders already but I’ll send them anyway. There are a few showing Stanford also. I think you can read my address O.K. ASTARU means Army Specialized Training & Reassignment Unit. I may think of more things I’ve forgotten next time. My mail will probably get a trifle balled up but I guess I’ll get it O.K. Don’t send any packages for awhile until I’m settled someplace for awhile. I may get only 3 mos. and then be sent to O.C.S. It’s hard to tell yet. Well I think I’ll quit until after supper.

Back after supper of asparagus soup, roasted potatoes, gravy, spinach, whole wheat biscuit, butter, crackers, milk and cake (good cake not the G.I. kind). Now I think I’ll arrange my stuff a little and then I may sign out and go to town or look over the campus. Its 6:50 now and we have to be in by 10:15 so you see they don’t give us much free time. Well I’ll write more another time. Write when you can. I got your Mon. letter last so I’m a week behind but it will take time for it to catch me. For tonight so long and take it easy.



Rah Rah Joe Buck the college kid


MSC ‘46