Sherbet Ice Cream is Usually a Little Watery

Happy Birthday


Monday June 28, 1943

12:30 noon


Dear folks,

Back once more. After I finished your letter last night I wrote a card to Aunt Edna to answer her letter. Then I took a shower and got to bed at about 10:40. I was up at 5:15 and dressed for reveille at 5:30. When we came in I slept until 6:45. Then I went to breakfast – fried egg, potatoes, toast, butter, shredded wheat, milk and an orange. After breakfast I made up my bed and shaved. Then I changed to fatigues for Phys. Training. We played volleyball until about 9:10. It began to rain hard so we quit. I took a shower and put on clean socks & underwear and my suntans. We went to Military at 10. We spent the hour on Army Organization again. From 11 to 12 in English we had more talks. On Wed. we will write a theme in class. I think I’ll write on what I did in the army before I got here. At 12 we hurried back here to eat. I had steak, potatoes, gravy, beans, raw carrots, bread, butter, milk and pudding. Now I’m back here. It’s still rainy so I guess we’ll have to carry our raincoats. I expect your Thurs. & Fri. letters tonight. You are up to date to 12:40. See you later.

Back at 6:45. I wrote a card to Cpl. Johnson in Frisco. At 1 we went to class. We had Physics Lab from 1 to 3. They gave us an experiment about which we knew nothing. I worked out a method but it wouldn’t check. Finally we found we’d been weighing a clip that was not supposed to be. I was right but the instructor didn’t act as if he knew what it was all about. I have to finish the writing up and figuring for the experiment for next Monday. They seem to toss us into the middle of things without any explanation. Physics isn’t hard if its’ taught right. From 3 to 4 we had History. That’s never very exciting. 10 pages to read for Wed. From 4 to 5 we had study. I worked on the physics experiment but these study periods go pretty fast when one has something to do. We came back here and I shined my shoes that were repaired, put in laces, and cleaned the ones I’m wearing. At mail call I got your Thurs. and Fri. letters. I read them up until chow time. For supper I had potatoes, carrot, beans, beets, bread, butter, milk and cake. Now I’m here writing. I have Geography to study tonight and also Physics and Chem. if I get around to it. I can stay til 11:30 but it cuts off a lot of sleep. Now while I’m waiting to go to study I’ll answer your letters. We have a new order not to play any instruments in the barracks. It is aimed at the kid who plays the accordion. I wonder about radios too. Your Thurs. June 24 – I’d just as soon have tan hankies also. Some fellows get breaks on furloughs. If I had stayed in Calif. I wouldn’t have gotten one much sooner if any. The gen’l service men were just getting theirs after 10 months. All of them that were left + about 50 L.S. men were ahead of me. He’s out of uniform with a white shirt & suntan pants. I’m going to do my best on this work but I’m not going to run myself into the ground studying. The interest isn’t here if you know what I mean. Oh I’ll get good grades I rather imagine but as yet I don’t even know what I’ll get out of all this. Maybe when I get it I won’t want it. Nate will probably be put in school. An apprentice seaman is the same as a private. I haven’t stayed up any to write or study yet. I had my way but it was too slow for this. There isn’t that much time. If you ever saw the rush at mail call you’d see why we write every chance we can. My roommate has been wondering why he didn’t get any mail but tonight you should have seen him when he got 10 letters. One of the fellows smokes but not much. I’ve never seen them drunk but they may drink. I may send my bag home sometime. The new shoes fit swell. You hang on to my good watch for awhile yet at least. This one is still struggling. Lomax works for Buerrman Marshall over there by Stachel’s according to the clipping you sent. I thought he was over 16. Julius will be 20 on Thurs. Your garden doesn’t sound so healthy. I’m not spending much time writing to Bernice or any one else.

Now your Fri. June 25 letter – Don’t worry about the W.A.A.C.s. That won’t affect you a bit so forget it. It’s not a gov’t order yet. So forget it on your birthday. You should read the clippings you send and see where it said for those interested. I wrote a theme in the 9A about Mrs. C’s backyard. Sherbet ice cream is usually a little watery. We’ve all had all we want of the army but we will get more and more and more before we are thru. I guess that covers most of the 2 letters I got today so I’ll quit to go to study at 7:25.

Back at 9:50. I came over here to study and spent the 2 hours reading about 30 pages of Geography. I stayed on and worked on a physics problem. I got part of it finished but it is a little off. I’m quitting now and going back. I’m going to get my sleep just as long as I can because I expect to have to stay up later eventually. Tomorrow night I’ll have to plan my theme. This isn’t much of a letter but I’ve cut them to just short sentences mostly. Until tomorrow good night and since this should come on Thurs. I hope your birthday is the happiest it can possibly be. I had hoped it might be different but I guess not. Good night and love,



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