Someone Appropriated The Balls

Mon. 30 Oct. ‘44

6:40 p.m.


Dear folks,

Another week under way. Next week by this time I hope not to be here. Last night after I finished up your letter I got to bed and I was up on schedule this morning – dressed, out for reveille, and ate – cakes, syrup, butter & milk. After eating I did my work and then slept ½ hour or so before going to work. I got my morning reports done and then at about 10:00 we went up to the finance office and transcribed our payrolls. When we got back I typed on some furloughs until about noon when I quit for dinner. The meals are really lousy lately. I was a little late and missed most of the food. I got a couple of eggs, some dressing, bread & butter. After that we went over to the P.X. for some milk. At 1:00 I went back to work and spent the whole afternoon typing furloughs. I had 29 of them to do. The way I figure they are about only 10 men from me on the list now but I’m afraid this is the last group to go out. I guess I shouldn’t complain though. I quit at about 5:00 tonight and took my blouse and field jacket over to the cleaners. I went over to the mess hall but skipped the supper. I just couldn’t see that meal of pork & stuff. The boys are really getting fed up with the food. I played 4 or 5 games of horseshoes with the boys and now here I am. I got your Thurs. and Fri. letters today. Was ist der “Mein Borin.” Do you mean that little wooden frame I used to have with you & Pop in? So far as I’m concerned the work can be slowed up so long as I can get home. It would be done if I weren’t in the Army so to heck with it. I’ve been pretty careful about sitting anyplace while I was sweaty. I imagine it really does look like fall up there now. It doesn’t seem like Nov. here yet at all. We’ll probably get up north with about the first snow storm. You should have got a letter Fri. because I wrote Tues. I hope you got up to the place last week end. Then you’ll be home next week. Well that’s your letters and today. Tomorrow night I have another class to go to. Tonight I think I shall go to the show with Buchman. It’s 7:15 now so I’ll bring this to a close. Someone appropriated the balls so no ping pong tonight. Anyway,

Auf Zeiderschen, or something like that

Be seein you



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