It’s His Hobby

Wed. 4 April 1945

England – 9:25 a.m.


Dear folks,

Well I’m still here. Last Friday they took off the cast but the X-ray showed it wasn’t knitted so Sat. they ran me into the hospital. I’ve been cooling my heels here since. Yesterday they put it into another cast and took more X-rays but I haven’t the slightest idea what’s going to be the result. The wrist feels like it has since I first did that back at school. I guess I’ll just have to wait it out. This is a wonderful life but the days are too long. I had intended to write a few letters yesterday but then they put on this cast so I gave it up with the short one I wrote you. Dinner yesterday wasn’t bad – spuds, sauerkraut, string beans, bread, butter, rice pudding, peaches, and orangeade. After dinner I slept awhile and then they showed a movie here in the ward for most of the afternoon. It was a good picture – “Two Girls and a Sailor” with Gloria DeHaven, Durante, Harry James, Lena Horne, Gracie Allen and a lot of others. That helped pass the time a lot. I ate supper at about 5:00 – beans, cheese, asparagus, beets, bread, butter, cocoa and ice cream. After supper I just sat around awhile. Then one of the boys from another ward came down and we ended up going to see the same show over again. That was the 17th time he had seen that picture. It’s his hobby I guess. After that I caught a shower and got to bed. 7:00 rolled around as usual this morning. It’s dark when we get up but it’s still light after 9:00 at night and it’s only April. Breakfast was good – fried eggs, bread, butter, jam, cereal, & milk. After eating we did our “housework” and then here I am. Nothing new so far this morning. I thought I might go back today but nobody seems in a hurry so I asked for a pass. The sun is on a sort of ½ & ½ basis today, ½ in & ½ out. Well there isn’t much else I can say now so I will bring this brief note to a close. I hope you can read it. I’m getting pretty good with these 2 fingers. So long again,



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