I Sat On A Piece Of Carbon Paper

Tues. July 11, 1944

6:00 p.m.


Dear folks,

Well I’m back again. I got your Friday letter today and I sure was glad to get it. It didn’t come until this afternoon and I was really beginning to wonder what was up. I’m here on my bed writing this. It’s a bit cooler today but still plenty hot. They leave all the screen doors open around here and the barracks soon fills up with flies. They are bothering me quite a bit now. Last night after I finished your letter I studied the Morning Report for awhile and then went outside and sat down for a little while on the little fence around the board walk. It was nice and cool out and fairly quiet. It reminded me of the nights we were out eating watermelons. I sat out there until about 10:30 I guess. The duty officer had a pretty busy time but there wasn’t much for me to do. He had me type him 3 different certificates. I got through all 3 without a mistake which was very good as he is the Adjutant. He seems a pretty nice fellow though for a 2nd Lt. At about 10:30 I set up our beds and we got to bed at about 11:00. I got nicely to sleep and I had to get up and answer the phone. The operator, it finally turned out, had called us by mistake instead of the 1267th next door. So I lay back down and went to sleep. That was at 12:15. Then at about 5:00 I was awakened by about the loudest chirping cricket I believe I’ve heard. He sounded as if he were whistling. I got up to see if I could find him and put him out but he was smart enough to keep quiet when I moved so I let him sing me back to sleep. I was up at 6:00 and already dressed when the operator called. I asked her to call at about 6:00 but it was 6:10. I started to sweep out a bit but the Lt. said someone else would do it so I took care of the beds and then went to breakfast. I had French toast, butter, syrup, milk and ripe apricots. Then I got the dope for my morning report and went back. My Co. was to go on a 4 hour hike this morning so I got the C.O. to sign a blank report before I typed it. They took the hike with full field packs and were back in 2 ½ hours instead of 4. They must have moved. The whole Bn. bivouacs Thurs. night but a lot of work is coming up again so I think we’ll get out of it. If it’s at all possible we will. I did my report and then spent most of the morning getting all my typing pretty well caught up. I quit at about 11:30 and went back for dinner. I had potatoes, cauliflower, bread, butter, and pumpkin pie. After eating I got my cleaning from the P.X. I wish you could see it along side your work so you could see the difference. They aren’t very clean looking and the press job is pretty sad. But that’s how they turn them out. I have one set that I took off tonight even you may not be able to get clean. I sat on a piece of carbon paper and the seat is all blue. At 12:30 I went back to work. Orders came out transferring a lot of our men. I have 44 going out so it means 44 sets of records to get ready to go. That’s probably what will keep us off the bivouac Thurs. night (we hope). The boys are all going to Engr. outfits here at Maxey but not Combat Engrs. They are Topographical and Maintenance outfits. I kept busy on that until 4:45 when I came back. For supper I had spaghetti, beets, carrots, salad, bread, marmalade, and cold chocolate drink. Now here I am. I shaved this noon but I still need to shower and clean up when I finish this. Now your Fri. letter – I hope that uneven head didn’t hang on too long. You better take it a bit easy. Well, a different radio. $40 is quite a bit unless it works pretty well. How many tubes and how old? I don’t know how good the Crosley is supposed to be. It will be an improvement if you can get a few more stations though. For $40 you should get more than 3 stations. You kept the old radio didn’t you? It looks a bit rainy here tonight. That no spraying will be hard on Mrs. C. I’m waiting to see those pictures. I hope they are all good as they are us are [as] we were. Yes, 2 weeks out of 6 months they let us live. I seem to be able to go ahead with my work and handle it pretty easily now. I’m upstairs but not with any high ups. I’m not against your ideas or ways although it may have sounded that way sometimes. I’m not going to Dallas or to any circuses. I’ve probably seen my last one. Well I guess that’s your letter & today so I’ll close. I wish you didn’t feel like you sound you do about certain things.




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