Don’t Know How The Pictures Will Turn Out

Tues. 3 April 1945

England 11:25 a.m.


Dear folks,

Well here I am and as you can easily tell I have the cast on again. This one is a honey. It goes way up my arm and restricts my fingers more than the others have done. In case this letter beats others, they took off the old cast last Fri. and the X-rays didn’t show that the break was healed, so Sat. they ran me up here to the hospital. They didn’t do much until today. Yesterday afternoon after I wrote to you, I went up to the dental clinic and they very obligingly yanked the upper wisdom teeth. He showed them to me and you could chip them off with your finger nail. So that was that. I spit blood awhile and then at about 2:00 took off on pass. I went back to my town but being Mon. afternoon everything was closed down. I spent some time at the R.C. and the Y. I was in the mood for some ping pong but there were no extra players around. I stuck around town until about 8:30 and then came back here. I ran into a few of the boys and they want me to get back fast. I didn’t get out to camp. This morning after breakfast – French toast, syrup, jam, butter, cereal, milk & oranges – we cleaned up the ward. Then I had some more X-rays taken and this cast put on. I don’t know how the pictures will turn out but I guess I go back to the outfit, tomorrow I hope. The more I think it over the more I believe I belong with the gang but it’s all up to them here. Well this doesn’t say much but I’ll call it enough for today.

So long again,



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