A Heck of a Note

Friday March 26, 1943

3:20 a.m.


Dear folks,

This is your Thurs. letter although I didn’t get a chance to do any writing on Thurs. itself. That is the first day I’ve really missed but this will count O.K. because it will go out tomorrow morning the same as if I had written it last night. I haven’t been to bed since this morning and in all probability I won’t get to bed until tonight at the usual time. That’s a nice shift. 4:30 Thurs. until about 8:30 or 9 Fri. night – that’s only about 40 hours. K.P. is great stuff. We still have a stack of dishes left. You see we had that dinner party tonight and they borrowed about 1000 dishes from Richmond. I was up at 4:30 but I slept until 5:30. I decided I’d get all the sleep I could. Breakfast was French toast, oatmeal or Farina I can’t remember which and grapefruit. I cleaned the refrigerator and store room and did a little of everything during the day including helping to shell a crate of peas. Dinner was potatoes, string beans, corn I think, bread, butter, ovaltine and plums. Boy we have jumped all day and I am tired. Supper was steak, potatoes, corn, those peas, salad, bread, butter & tomatoes fresh. I am just taking time off to write this. The way I feel if they don’t like it they can do the next best thing. Thank goodness this is the last of these dinner parties. We go on field actions April 1. I finally got that Thurs. Mar. 1 letter today. It had been sent by mistake to San Bruno Cal., wherever that is. Now my mail is all up to date to last Fri. Since it is now Fri. my mail is one week in the past. Is anything wrong? Maybe some more of it has gone to San Bruno. I’ll answer your Thurs. letter when I can get time. The Bachman boy finally left at 9:47 tonight for Ann Arbor. His classes begin next Monday morning so he won’t have time to spare at all. Well this is a heck of a note (joke) but it’s the best I can do under the circumstances. I want you to understand this is Thurs., 25 (I hope that’s the right date) letter so my chain still isn’t broken. Don’t worry. I may be leaving soon, a month at the most I believe. Classes seem to begin the first of each month. Anyway good morning and love to you all. You see I keep my word.


Signing off at 3:35 a.m.

A very tired K.P.,



I hope I get some mail and that it gets back to only about 4 days instead of a week.

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