A Happy Thanksgiving To Ye!

Thurs. 23 Nov. ‘44

8:40 p.m.


Dear folks,

A happy Thanksgiving to ye! I’m back once more in the day room. Last night after I finished writing to you I showered and got to bed before 10:00 I guess. I was up at the same good old time 6:15, dressed and out for reveille. After reveille I had to initial my clothing form. I fixed up my bed and went to breakfast – very poor – scrambled eggs, toast, butter, & milk. After eating I straightened up my stuff a little, shaved, and got to work. I did my report, checked the records of 3 more new men and packed away some of my stuff until noon. We didn’t eat until 12:30 today. They really put up a pretty nice meal for us. They had the tables all arranged in a sort of horseshoe and commandeered some sheets from someplace to use as tablecloths. The boys had the afternoon off so everybody sort of took it quiet & easy. The meal was pretty good for G.I. cooks – I had turkey (white meat), dressing, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, sliced tomatoes, cranberry sauce, biscuits, butter, pumpkin pie, cake & ice cream & an orange and oh yes some nuts. Altogether I thought it was pretty good. The boys had the rest of the day off but not us. I got back to work at about 1:30 and finished my packing operations, caught up all the loose ends and at about 4:00 came back to do some typing for the 1st/Sgt. I worked until 4:30 and ate – corn, peas, potatoes, bread & butter. Then I went back and finished the job. We are getting our final inspection of clothing and equipment in the morning so I went to work. I dumped my bag and repacked but I still can’t get it all in it seems. Of course a lot of the stuff will be outside when we really pack it for good. We are limited to 3 sets of cotton underwear, 3 prs. of socks in excess of what is issued & 1 extra handkerchief. I still have some extra hankies but I gave or threw away socks & underwear enough to get me under the limit. I’m not taking anything I don’t need as the less I have to fool with or drag around the better. I don’t think I’m over on anything anymore. When I finished with that I rinsed out a pair of socks, oiled up my rifle and bayonet a little, and put on my fatigues which will be “the” uniform from now on. I had to sew stripes on the shirt which took me quite awhile. Then when I had everything pretty much under control I wrapped up a book and took down to the P.X. and mailed it.

Back after a few games most of which I lost. The book I mailed is a copy of Gregg’s Shorthand which I found over in the office. It used to belong to one of the boys who left a long time ago I believe. No one claimed it so I took it. It’s not of much value but might be worthwhile some day. It may not get there too soon but only cost 4 cents so don’t worry about it. When I mailed that I came back & heah ah is. No mail since Wed. (yesterday) so I take it you followed my advice. I miscalculated as you can see but it’s still O.K. You may get one or possibly 2 more letters from me here and then there’ll be a break of I don’t know just how long. Now I better answer your Sat.-Sun. letter — Gosh, don’t let those ribs take any more of a beating than they have. It gets pretty chilly here now and it’s a lot colder up there I know too. We had a little frost around on the walk & steps the other day for the first time I believe. I sure hope Pop didn’t feel like that on Monday. I’m sending a few things along with this letter. This is a new stamp. There are 2, this & one commemorating Corregedor I believe, which I’d like to have put with my collection. Here’s my promotion order too and my driver’s license. We aren’t supposed to have any addresses on us according to what I hear & I don’t want to lose them so just hold them for me.

Well that’s about all I can say for tonight so I’ll be signing off and see you next time. So for now, so long and love,


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