Water, Water, Everywhere
Sat. 9 Dec. ‘44
Somewhere at Sea,
Dear folks,
Yipe, I don’t know how long this letter will be but I’ll write a little each day if I can. I’m not seasick (yet) but it could happen any time now. Sitting like this looking at one place doesn’t help much either. I’m not sick at all but I do have a headache and I find myself a bit dizzy when I go to walk. It’s wearing off now some but we haven’t hit any really rough water as yet. The boat doesn’t pitch, it just sort of rolls from side to side and rises and falls some. We are fortunate in having a pretty smooth riding boat. Most of the things that have happened in the last couple days I can’t talk about. Some of the things I do mention may not get past “most honorable censor” but if they clip any of this you can read around the holes. First we had a very interesting trip from our camp to the boat. My previous boat riding experience had been limited to the ferry ride across Frisco bay and I can assure you there’s much difference. There were times when I’d have appreciated wheels instead of feet. Everything I have was on my back and shoulders and believe me it got heavy. But that wasn’t all. The Co. Clerk’s life isn’t all sunshine for besides all my gear I was stuck with a chest of records weighing 40 or 50 pounds which I had to carry. I had one of my boys carry my typewriter. I can’t tell you much about conditions on the boat because it would possibly give an indication as to its size or type or to the number of us on it. We mess twice a day which shouldn’t be much of a secret. Confidentially the food is lousy but I suppose we should appreciate it as one never knows what’s in store for him. The day is pretty long. I’ve spent quite a bit of time on deck but there’s not much to see. “Water, water everywhere,” if I may quote The Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner. A few things in sight are very reassuring. It’s good to know someone is around to fall back on just in case. Except for occasional drills there’s nothing much doing. They are finally giving us a little music over the P.A. system which helps a lot. I have an order in for some stuff from the ship’s canteen tomorrow.
Today was a big day. They put our mail on the boat and gave it out today and boy was it good. I got 4 letters – your long letter, your Mon. 4 Dec. letter, a Xmas card from Edna & a letter from Rudy written to me at my old spot. I won’t answer them in this one but it really kicked my morale up a couple hundred points and I ain’t kidding.
I’ll probably have quite a bit of time to answer them before this trip is over. I figure you’ll get about a dozen letters at once maybe, that is if I keep in shape to write. Barring rough weather I think I’ll make the trip pretty well. I know you’ll have a long break with no mail – maybe nearly a month – but I’m doing all I can. I forgot – you ought to see me – no you hadn’t either – I have about ¼ inch of hair left. I figured the shorter the easier to keep clean.
Well it’ll soon be time for bed so I’ll say so long until next time,
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