Things Are Too Easy Now
Wed. 19 Dec. ‘45
Dear folks,
Wed. afternoon and not much doing so I will get started on a letter. I don’t know just how far I’ll get. Today I finally got a letter, Gram’s postmarked Dec. 10. I guess the mail is slowed up a little due to the Xmas rush or something. Yesterday I got a package from Edna and today one from Aunt Marie so I guess all the counties are heard from now. Today we shipped out all the rest of the men with 50 to 54 points so now the highest point man in the Battalion has 49. It is hard to tell when any more will go but it is one consolation that I ought to be in the next group unless somebody decides to stop before they get to 46. The battalion is shrinking every day and if it holds together until the 45’s leave there won’t be very many men left. Personally I don’t expect them to drop for about another month but I hope that I am wrong. It doesn’t seem possible that Xmas is only about 5 days away but yet it is. Except for a couple Xmas carols I have heard there is nothing to remind one of Xmas and even they sound awfully out of place here. From what we read you must be having a real winter back there now and I’d really like to be feeling it. I can’t get used to this sitting still and sweating in Dec. which is just what I am doing now. Last night we had a big treat, a double feature. As is usually so, neither picture was very good- “The Bull Fighters”, an old one with Laurel and Hardy, and “Three’s a Crowd” a fair mystery story. I haven’t heard what’s on for tonight but about all we have had lately are old pictures.
Things are too easy now. Something must be about to happen if everything holds true to form. The 1267th Engr. that has been with us all along is going home in early Jan. but I guess this outfit has just about reached its end. About one more week and it will be just a bit of history. If I get stuck in a higher headquarters after we deactivate I’ll be kicking myself for not going when I had the chance and a gift promotion to boot but maybe it will turn out better this way. I thought it would or I wouldn’t have stayed. It shouldn’t take much longer to find out that’s for sure.
Well there isn’t much else to say so I’ll sign off for now and go back to work for awhile. I hope you all have a nice Xmas and the New Year ought to be better for all of us than the last three have been,
Be seein’ you
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