Little Yellow Boys
Sunday 2 Sept. ‘45
V-J Day on Luzon
Dear folks,
Well according to all we’ve heard today is the big one – V-J Day. General Yamoshita came down out of the mountains about 10 miles from here and surrendered today. His men will be on their way out tomorrow probably. As in Germany I guess our only sight of the enemy will be as P.W.’s but that’s good enough for me. I didn’t realize these little yellow boys were so close. Last night I took in a movie “Weekend at the Waldorf” which was pretty good. It rained a bit but we’re used to it. This afternoon I and another fellow went on an exploration of the nearby country. It’s really rugged. We took along our rifles and a little ammo and did a bit of firing. It’s about the best way to clean out the bore. We ran onto a clear river and got off a bit of the dirt that’s been accumulating. News – points to be recounted as of today & 75 set as critical score. Men [over?] 35 to go home. So I’m still stuck with only 46 points. Oh well, so long
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