Frosted Feet
Thursday January 21, 1943 6:45 p.m.
Camp McCoy, Wisconsin
Dear Folks,
First the day in review – I stayed in last night and shaved & cleaned up and looked through some of the papers. I went to bed about 9:15.
Up this morning about 5:45. Reveille at 6:15 and breakfast at 7:00. It was much warmer today than yesterday and it was snowing this morning. For breakfast I had toast, Post Toasties, and scrambled eggs. I think they are powdered eggs or something. Anyway they aren’t too good. I topped off breakfast with one of my oranges. Boy they are swell but I bet they cost you plenty. I know they were 66 cents a doz. the last I knew & they are probably more now.
At about 8 I guess we went out to the drill field for a while and did some exercises and marching. Then we came back and did some work on the manual of arms before dinner. We had dinner at about 12 o’clock. Mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans, applesauce, bread, butter, and very good peach pie. Mail call at 12:30.
This afternoon we went on a hike off the southwest I think although I’m pretty mixed up on directions. I’d say we went in all about 5 miles. It was swell. Although my hands and feet have a tendency to get cold while drilling I seem to keep real warm on a hike and I like to see the country. My overshoes tire me quicker though. When we got back from the hike we went over to a small theater for a lecture on first aid. Then we came back and were through for the day. I had supper about 5:15 – potatoes, meat loaf, green beans and peas, veg. salad, bread and butter and a lot of Jello. Swell meal. Now I’m trying to catch up on my correspondence. No mail for me tonight.
Now back to 12:30 mail call. Well I hate to hold you in suspense: so I hit the jackpot today. Six letters and a package. I got the letters from you 3 of Mon. postmarked Tues. at 11:30 a.m., a card from gramp, a card from Aunty, a letter from Aunty, a letter from Walt Stachel, and a letter from Mrs. Crawford, and the package was the money belt from Aunty.
I’ll try to tell a little about each. Gramp sent a card of “greeting to a soldier” with a detachable part called automatic letter answerer. All I have to do is put “X’s” in squares & tear it off and mail it to him. It’s something like the one Ray sent me. Gramp says that they are good for them (in health), and that Eva will write in a few days and he says quote “Good wishes to you Son,” unquote. He put his address on the detachable part for me to send back but I think I’ll keep it and try and write a little letter instead.
I got two letters from Aunty. One was an awfully nice card, “Greetings to one in the Service.”
Here’s the verse –
“Though the life is no vacation
And the rules are strict and stern,
‘Til the day of your return!”
I think it is very good and very appropriate. The other letter was from Aunty in answer to my letter of a week ago Sat. She said she was ashamed for not answering my “lovely letter” sooner and wants me to let her know if I get the money belt. She thinks it’s a good thing I left Custer because there are WAAC’s there now although I can’t see her reason for saying that myself. She thinks they should be in different camps. Lots of snow in Detroit. She says she got a letter from you in which you said you were going to look for a letter from me every day but knew you wouldn’t get it. I like that. I demand an apology. So there too! George hasn’t been called yet. She wondered about my vaccination and shots. She was glad I could go to shows and says she likes love & romance herself. I was glad to hear from her at last. The money belt is brown. There is a zipper which opens 2 compartments, one for bills & one for change. The bill compartment contained a new $1 bill and there were 4 new quarters in the change part. That boosts my financial status above the danger point. I now have a little over $10 and that should last 10 days easily. I have spent about $8 so far.
I almost got lost in Stachel’s letter. The pages came in this order: 1,3,2,4. I didn’t pay attention to the numbers at first and couldn’t make much sense. He sounds a little worried to me. You see he got his questionnaire Jan. 16. He is having trouble with Descriptive Geometry and he says that Nate’s chemistry course is really tough and maybe I’m lucky to be here. I wonder if he was kidding. Right now I could crack the toughest chem. course but I can’t remember enough German to mention. He’s been ice skating several times. He takes boxing for Phys. Ed. and the first shot he got a bloody nose. He wants to know how long it took to get me in the army after I got my questionnaires so he can plan on how much time he’ll have. Gee, I hope they’ll let him finish the term but he won’t if they go as fast as they did with me. Just 2 months. He emphatically wants me to write and answer his questions and tell him about Army life.
Mrs. C’s letter was about the same as the last one. She acknowledged the card which I sent and by now probably has my letter. She mentioned reading my letters and visiting with you folks. She is in hopes “you will surprise her and visit her someday.” She have me her phone number and told me to feel free to call it anytime if I wanted to call you folks.
And now to you folks. Do you have to use 4 1/2 cent postage or did you just do that as a safety measure. I’m glad Elmo is going to write to me too. You’re telling me it means something to get a letter every day. Now put a stop to that worrying about my feet. I didn’t mean to alarm anybody. I am not the only one who gets cold feet. I didn’t mean to give the impression that I had frozen my feet. I used the word frosted to express the fact that they were doggone cold but I didn’t mean they were anything serious. They got numb and a little stiff at the time as though asleep but it’s been a week now and they still haven’t swollen, or turned black or purple or bursted so I guess you can calm down and start worrying about something else. Don’t jump at conclusions and I guess I’ll have to watch the way I write too. When I was home I could correct a misunderstanding but now it takes a week. They itched a little and felt a little buzzy but they are O.K. understand. I wear 2 pairs of wool socks. I thought about putting cotton ones on first but I didn’t know whether it was a good idea or not. I’ll have to try it if I can dig my cotton socks out of the bottom of my bag. You see I buried all my summer clothes. Gee I don’t expect a package of that size every week, that’s too much to expect. By the way don’t send any packages after the middle of next week unless I change the order because I understand we may graduate Feb. 1, which means I may be shipped at any time after that. I asked the Co. Commander about this college trg. and he says he has had no orders concerning it but that it is possible that they may have me classified for assignment to some school. I wouldn’t count on it though myself. As soon as I get where I’m going I’ll try to send you a telegram. Now don’t get scared when I say this because it may be and probably is nothing but a rumor but I hope they don’t send me to Seattle preparatory to going to Alaska. But then it couldn’t be much colder. They have called several over for reclassification but so far have called no one with eye deficiencies and I understand they won’t. Personally I really think I’ll be assigned as a clerk or typist in some induction or reception center. Boy, I hope its Custer or Detroit or Kalamazoo. I’d almost settle for Ft.Brady at the Soo even if it is colder than here. I’m sure happy about the money from Mr. & Mrs. C. I don’t think I’ll thank her though until I get whatever is bought. I found the knife and gum O.K. So the star surprised Pickets [?] eh? Good for me. I hope it doesn’t have a chance to get dirty if you know what I mean. Well I guess that covers your letter.
To dad’s letter – good work with tea & toast. Did you get the 8 gal. in your tank O.K. before today. Maybe my haircut won’t last till Xmas but it seemed as though it would at first.
To gram – thanks for a very nice letter. I get a 3 way slant on what happens at home so I have a pretty good picture.
Well this just about completes the picture for now. Lights out in 40 minutes and I intended to answer all my mail tonight. I read all the newspapers at spare times during the day and the box of chocolates is about empty. Well keep writing and forget about headaches and I’ll call this note (beside yours) a letter. So long for now.
Love Arlington
Don’t Worry.
Read the original letter
Drill Master
Wednesday, January 20, 1943 3:25 p.m.
Camp McCoy, Wisconsin
Dear Folks,
Well here I am again. It’s been so cold today that we haven’t gone out for anything except our meals. Temperature was 33 below and the sgt. wouldn’t let us go outside to drill. I think it’s a little warmer now because the sun has shone all day.
Last night after I mailed your letter, I went over to the P.X. with a kid from Port Huron. I bought a box of Smith Bros. cough drops. Then I went on to the show by myself. It was pretty good last night. The “Wrecking Crew” with Chester Morris & Jean Parker & a March of Time, a color cartoon “Super-Mouse” and a short showing a Jack Benny broadcast from Camp HaanCalif. with Jack, Mary, Rochester and the whole gang. I came back and got to bed about 9:30.
I was up at 5:50 today. Pretty chilly in the barracks. No reveille again this morning. I had breakfast – Post Toasties, toast, potatoes and an apple – at about 7:00. We stayed in all morning and worked on the manual of arms. We don’t have individual rifles yet but there is one for each platoon. There were some fellows in the platoon upstairs and we watched them do the manual for they knew it already. We spent a couple of hours listening, watching, and practicing with the one gun and loafed around the balance of the time till dinner at about 12. Dinner – roast beef, mashed (by me on my plate) potatoes, gravy, beets, veg. salad, bread, butter & raspberry pie. Pretty good!
After dinner I came back and I got the letter you wrote Saturday in which you said you got my letter telling I got your
packages. Although you wrote it Sat. it wasn’t postmarked until 2p.m. Monday afternoon in Lansing. They must not pick up mail over Sunday any more. I rather expect another letter tonight if you wrote any Sunday.
This afternoon we had a lot more practice with the manual of arms – you know all this right shoulder, left shoulder stuff. By the time we get our rifles we’ll know most of it. There is no reason why we shouldn’t leave here a week or so early. We were nearly a week ahead of time on the marching and now we’ll be ahead on this too. Probably no chance of leaving early though. When we got through with the rifle, the instructor (called Corporal but he gets $50 same as I do) split us up into 6 man squads and gave us marching drills in the barracks. He eliminated those who made mistakes until he had the best one or two from each group. Then he took these and eliminated them till he got down to only two. He tried for about 5 minutes to catch one off his guard and twist him up but he finally called it a tie and quit. Now I’ve been a squad leader but he’s never been particularly impressed by my ability and I haven’t tried very doggone hard. But if he did think I wasn’t too good I fooled him. The last 2 were a Russian from Lansing whom I never knew there and me. Now I guess I’ll have to learn the manual pretty well too. Boy when I got through I was dizzy from doing “to the rear march,” but I stuck with it O.K. Some of the fellows who went out were in the Nat. Guards & State troops. Now we’re through for the day.
I’ll try to answer your letter before supper. Boy Hugh is lucky. I didn’t think he was still in Custer though. I’m glad to get his address and I’ve got to write to him tonight. We can get all the candy and gum we have money for here. That’s the reason there is a shortage for civilians. The hot drink is coffee except once in awhile when they have cocoa. As far as the Nestle’s cocoa, I don’t imagine it would work out too well, although we have running hot water in the barracks. I don’t know how good it would be to drink though. We are served by passing along the counter with our plates. If we don’t want anything we tell them not to put it on. I get mail on Sunday. Grandad hasn’t answered yet but I’ve been thinking about sending him a birthday card. That ought to surprise him a little. They have some very nice cards here at the P.X. Bernice hasn’t written yet but I didn’t write to her directly. I addressed the card, a scenery picture like one of yours, to Junior. I have wool gloves to wear and if my hands get cold I put the fingers up together and double my fist.
I regret to say the books are not stiff cover but paper cover. They are not very expensive though and are easy to read. So you got a star to put in the window. Plenty expensive too. Must be a big one with yellow fringe. I am afraid I’m not going to see much of the country. A 10 mile hike means 10 miles altogether. I saw one fellow skiing down a hill when we were hiking. About 2/3’s of the way down he parted company with one of his skis and we got quite a laugh at his expense. I haven’t been weighed since I was at Kalamazoo so I don’t know if I’ve lost but I rather doubt it. So far as I can see those letters from Hannah & Stewart wouldn’t do any good here. I have enough hangars for now, just enough. I’ll do any sewing so far as I know.
Well that covers your letter from Sat. We just had mail call but there didn’t seem to be any letters, only packages. I see by the list on the board that I have an insured package at the Post Office so I’ll quit now to go get that and eat supper. I’ll be back later.
4:40 p.m. c.w.t.
7:00 p.m. Got the box. I ate super – potatoes, spinach, veg. salad, bread, butter & strawberry jam and went right after it. Boy I was surprised at the size of it and my fingers got kind of cold carrying it back. You see the Post Office is ½ mile or more away. Everybody thought it was an awful big box. One fellow suggested it might be a radio. I did my best to save the string and I was able to save most of it. You see I make myself take my time. After I got it unwrapped I read the letters before I opened the box. Everything was there just as you said and it was all swell. I’m eating an apple now and it is real good. So are the cookies. I gave one of the chocolate cookies to the kid who sleeps on top next to me. He came from Lansing but originally he was from S. Carolina. Oh boy, everything is swell and thanks a lot for everything. I found the file O.K. but you didn’t have to buy a new one. I found everything just as you said except for the knife & gum. Then I noticed there were 8 boxes of cough drops so I shook one without cellophane and there was the knife & gum. I have enough fruit to last quite awhile. I had one apple left from this morning’s breakfast too. You know how much I appreciate everything so just thanks. Thank Baby for me too.
Now to answer your letters –
I hope that writing didn’t cause your head to get any worse. Do you have more headache than you did before I left? No, I didn’t get up in time for breakfast but if I miss it next time I won’t get hungry. If the mail gets through as usual you should get this Sat. as you said. I told Christ who I was and I worked with him nearly all day. He worked from 4:30a.m. to 7p.m. From what little I could see, WesternMich.College is small compared to MS.C. but the buildings looked real nice. I wrote to Stewart at M.S.C. last Sunday. I sent a card to Fred Kircher. Whether he is able to answer I don’t know. Everything came thru in good shape including the cough syrup. I don’t have any particular boy friend but everybody is nice to me. You see some of these boys are over 30 years old. The youngest is a boy from Saranac who used to live in Gr. Rapids. He was 19 3 days before he was drafted. There’s another fellow here from Belding.
To dad’s letter – So far my mail has been from you 3 and Mrs. C.
Well I guess this covers all of today’s mail. I’ll read the papers when I have the time. I’m staying in tonight. I don’t think the show will be very good and it’s too doggone cold out anyhow. I’ve got to wash & shave and clean up a little. We have some new men in the barracks tonight & one is sleeping over me. They graduated Monday and are waiting to be shipped out. Most of them will probably leave tomorrow morning. We have everything nailed down. We trust each other but we are a little doubtful about strangers.
I guess I won’t have time to write to Hugh tonight. It’s 7:45 already. Well this is the last sheet of this stationery so you’ll get a different kind next time. You see I mail these letters in a box upstairs and they are collected at 11a.m. & 4p.m. So if I write a letter tonight it doesn’t go out till tomorrow. I used to mail them in a box on a telephone pole a block away but they say they are picked up at the same time so I won’t go out in the cold.
Well I’ve covered everything that’s happened today so there’s not much more I can say. So just keep writing and I’ll do the same and don’t worry too much. I have had warm feet all day today. Overshoes are a big help. Well I hate to leave a blank sheet of paper but I can’t think of anything to say. I probably will when I’ve sealed it up like you do. So long for now with love,
My letters are getting poorer. They won’t be worth bragging about anymore.
Link to Letter
Nose Holes
Wed. Jan 13, 1943 10:25 a.m.
Camp McCoy, Wisconsin
Dear Everybody,
Oh you lucky people. The temperature here is 25 below zero. That’s what the corporal told us and I believe it. You walk 30 feet and your nose holes are practically shut. I got up at 5:45 and boy was it bitter when we fell out for reveille at 6:10. I took a chance and went to breakfast ahead of the crowd. Usually if you go early you have to wait for the door to be opened and if you wait for the rest to go you have to wait on the end of a long line anyhow. I was lucky though and walked right in without having to wait outside. Boy, we had oatmeal this morning and that was really good. Besides that we had French toast with Karo syrup, potatoes and applesauce. I passed up the frankfurters & bacon and got a double shot of applesauce.
11:40 – Hooray, got 2 letters and the box of candy and nuts. The letters were both mailed Monday. One from dad & one from mother. Are they the first one’s you’ve written to me here? I still haven’t gotten the one you wrote to Custer. Maybe I’ll get that tonight. I read both letters twice and boy did I feel good. I’ll have to quit now for dinner but I’ll be back later.
12:15 – Back for a few minutes. Gee, what’s wrong with you folks. I didn’t think you were all going to get sick when I left. Dad must have been pretty low to lay off 3 days. I sure hope he feels better now. And don’t let that head get you down. I will read the clippings when I have more time tonight but I did notice the Dunckel girl’s picture. I know one of the other girls there too. She used to go to Eastern. From what you say, you got both letters from Custer. Good. You should have gotten two letters at once from here or at least close together because Thurs. I mailed the one I wrote on the train, which you got Saturday, and another I wrote here. I have written every day since so you should get a steady stream of mail. I don’t know for sure what you mean by “dad’s reg. letter,” regular or registered but I haven’t got it yet. I’m glad you and Mrs. C. are getting together at last. It’ll be good for you. I have written once to Julius while in Custer, and since I’ve been here letters to Aunt Marie, Elmo, Granddad, and cards to Nathan and the Stachels. That ought to bring some answers. I haven’t got auntie’s letter that you mentioned yet. When is she going to come back and see you? Don’t worry about next Xmas. That’s too far away to even think about.
We very often have grapefruit for breakfast or else some other fruit such as an apple or orange, prunes, or applesauce. We have toast but the bread is all white and not very well toasted. I imagined my hat would be pretty badly smashed but most of that happened before I mailed it. But then there are & will be lots more hats.
Don’t be afraid to write and send any clippings you want. Anything from home is good to see. I try to write all the things I know you want to know. I may repeat a lot but I don’t think you’ll mind.
As for today, at 9:15 we marched down to the theater and heard lectures and saw movies on first aid. It was so cold my fingers became numb. I’ve never had them entirely lose their feeling before. They soon warmed up though. Then we came back to the barracks and did some indoors practice. We’ll probably leave in a few minutes to do some marching. It’s much much warmer now because the sun is shining brightly as it usually does.
Dinner today – mashed potatoes, gravy, veg. stew, veg. salad, bread (4 slices), butter, and apple pie.
Last night I spent $1.25. I bought 25 cents worth of candy bars (that won’t be necessary for awhile now what with my reinforcements). I bought 2 books, Lost Horizon and The Good Earth. I finished Mrs. Miniver last night. I also bought a jar of Vicks Vapor Rub as a precautionary measure. A lot of the fellows use it and you’d be surprised at the amount of Listerine around here. Then last night I went to the show. It was a pretty fair picture. Lionel Barrymore in “Dr. Gillespie’s New Assistant.” I don’t think I’ll go tonight. It’s too cold and I’ve got lots of things to read here. I may go tomorrow night. Rob’t Taylor will be on. I’ve started Lost Horizon and it looks like a swell book so far.
That boy from M.S.C. is Bill Andrews. I never knew him at State. His folks are dead and he is part operator of their fox farm in the Upper Peninsula. He is 21 and has 2 fingers gone, which he lost in a meat grinder. Enough for him.
I think I have covered all the questions in your letter. If you haven’t sent my camera that I asked for don’t send it. This morning they banned them from the camp. Somebody must have taken pictures of something he shouldn’t. If you’ve sent it it’s O.K. I’ll send it back.
My vaccination never did work but these last 2 shots have left my arms pretty sore. Boy those anti-lockjaw shots really hit you. Well this is all I can think of now. I’ll finish this later and write one to dad. If there’s something I forget in one letter maybe it’ll be in the other. Read them to each other. 12:50
Back again at 3:10. We just got back from a short hike of 4 or 5 miles. It is much warmer and I enjoyed it. My feet are really warm for a change. Boy it’s really nice to get out in the country. The camp seems to be on a flat plain completely surrounded by hills. When you get up close to them they remind one of the pictures you see of the badlands of the Dakotas except these have trees on them. They are very rocky and you see huge crags and some of the hills are almost perpendicular. They look as if they would tip over. The trees are all evergreens. I don’t know much about trees but they are different from any kind with which I am familiar in northern Michigan. They may be hemlocks.
There is a lot of snow and they do quite a bit of skiing on the hillsides. I’d like to take a hike around here in May or June. I’ll bet it’s really swell then. Before we finish we’ll take 10 or 12 mile hikes with full pack and rifle. As near as I’ve been able to learn, they give us a rifle & teach us the manual of arms but we don’t do any shooting. You hear a lot of heavy shooting around here from the boys of the second division – artillery. They must shoot out in the hills. The first time I heard it I thought it was thunder. Most of the second division boys are from Texas I hear. I don’t see how they can stand the temperature. There is one fellow in our barracks who says it isn’t so cold here as it was at home. He’s from Cadillac Mich. We have a bunch of Negroes moving in down the street in a short time. They are a little afraid of trouble, especially from the southerners up here. They’ll eat at our mess hall but I don’t care so long as they don’t bother me.
When I got back from the hike I found my name twice on the mail list once with an R after my name. It must be that registered letter. I guess we have to go to the Post Office for large packages and reg. letters. My box of candy was delivered to the barracks. Incidentally I just discovered the handkerchiefs in the bottom. Thanks. I won’t have to do my laundry so often. You’d be proud to see me make by bed and do my washing. I’d like to go see about that letter but it’s only 3:30 and we can’t get separated until released. I have to be at the P.O. before it closes at 6:00. Do you like this type of running, chronological letter? As long as Mrs. C. is interested I’ll send her a card. I think the Zeller boy that she knew went with Ossie West to Missouri but I’m not sure.
7:20 – Well I’ve had a good day. 4 letters and 2 packages. Besides the 2 letters and candy, I got the registered letter and the big package with letter attached tonight at the Post Office. I feel almost like a new person. First because when mail call came I didn’t have to shake my head and walk away. Moreover I can do a lot better now. I got out my stuff and hung up my clothes. One hanger for my overcoat, one for my blouse, one for my fold jacket, and one for each shirt and pants. That does away with so much packing and unpacking of my barracks bag and my clothes won’t get wrinkled so much. I also took my handkerchiefs and soap out of my bag (grip) and put all my soap, hankies, towels and wash rags in the large box you sent. We have a shelf at the end of our bunk and we can put things on it which are compact such as kits or boxes. I guess most of us are honest because nobody has lost anything yet so I put the box of cleaning equipment on the shelf together with the Super duper Suds and my shoe shining kit. The rest of my personal stuff, pens, pencil, stationery, shaving cream etc. I keep in my grip. My other barracks bag I’ll use for keeping wrapping paper, string, newspapers, etc. and dirty clothes. I think I have a pretty good arrangement now thanks to you.
The registered letter had 5 stamps on the back. Two in South Lansing Jan. 7, two in Custer on Jan. 8 and one Jan. 9, and one here in McCoy yesterday Jan. 11. A long time, eh? I’m glad Aunty wrote to you so soon. Maybe we can keep your mail box full too. I feel the same way she does about things but it was pretty hard for either one of us to smile I guess. Boy I think Hugh was really one homesick boy but he tried not to show it. I tried to keep him feeling up and it helped me.
I have gotten everything now that you have mentioned. I’m afraid that gram’s pickle would be a little impractical, but doggone good. Tell her not to feel slighted because I don’t write directly to her because my letters are to every last one of you, even Babe.
I took those coal clothes over to the P.X. last night and they are going to launder them. They would do everything but it’s too expensive. Over at Custer permanently stationed men get their laundry done for $1.25 a month but there is no post laundry here. It’s so new we haven’t any trays or silverware yet. We eat off large plates and use our field equipment for knife, fork, & spoon. You’d be surprised how much oatmeal you can eat with a spoon larger than a tablespoon. You know when I stop and think how much people have always done for me I think I’m doing pretty well here.
I’m glad you like my letters. I was afraid they wouldn’t make much sense because they are mostly unconnected thoughts and ideas. Gee what’s the matter with Pop? Is he trying to get in 4-F. For gosh sakes tell him to be careful.
Now here’s something maybe you won’t like but if you get short of money what with deductions and loss of days, please, you know where you can fall back for a little help. And don’t go to any unnecessary expense on my account. I’ll love you just as much if you just write.
Maybe they don’t date our letters for some reason although I can’t see any. Nathan probably heard from Clayton’s mother about the fellows in Missouri. You see one of the fellows was Clayt’s step father. He was a cocky little guy, too cocky in fact. He got pretty smart in Custer when we were getting our uniforms and in about two more words a sgt. would have given him a going over. He had it coming. I still don’t know where Miller went. He left
later in the day. There were 6 cars (283) men who came up here. 3 cars went in the group to Missouri.
I’ve read all the clippings and I’ll read the paper when I get time. I’ll never get so I won’t like it at home. Every day I appreciate it more. This life may make me more able to pull away from home and get along with others but it’ll never reduce my love for family life. I’ll always be a family man. Ha Ha.
The hankies they gave me are white, hemstitched, real large and silky. I’m sorry about not seeing the Crawford’s. I am sending them a card giving my address.
Well I guess I’ve answered all questions and this is really a letter from me but then I feel a lot better. You know doggone well I’ll write. I’ve written every day since I’ve been here and every day I could while in Custer. Well good night and thanks plenty.
Lots of love to everybody,
Original Letter
This Camp is Tops
8:07 p.m. Central War Time
Camp McCoy, Wisconsin
Dear Mother, Dad, Granny, and Babe,
Well I’m here deep in the heart of nowhere. I guess you’ll probably wonder what happened to that last letter. As I said I wrote it partly on the train and carried it in my pocket so long before I mailed it that it got pretty dirty. You should have gotten 3 letters before this one. Let me know when and if you got them. This Camp is tops. Everything is new. The barracks is warm and clean and the bathroom is ten times nicer than Custer. Over there you couldn’t see your face in the mirrors. Here they even have sockets to plug in radios. The camp itself is swell and so are our officers so far. They are strict but not tough. Everybody thinks this beats Custer all to pieces. Tonight after drill this morning and lectures this afternoon, I went over to the P.X. (post exchange) to see if I could get some stationery and things. I didn’t bother to go over to the one in Custer because I thought it was just a place to drink 3/2 beer. I was wrong. It’s a regular department store with drugs, notions, clothing, gifts, pen & pencils, magazines, candy and just about everything I would want or need. I bought this stationery there along with some other things. My expenses to date are:
Custer: Post cards which I sent home .50
1 show .15
Donation to collection for our
Quarantine corporal who was a swell guy .15
McCoy: stationery .21
3 candy bars .15
5 cards which I am sending .15
1 bottle of ink .10
1 beautiful pennant which
I probably will spoil by folding .15
Total $1.56
I decided that if I wanted anything I would get it. I didn’t see nearly enough of the country on the trip. Judging by this around here (see postcards) we must have passed through the prettiest part at night. This country is beautiful; snow, pine trees everywhere and big hills off away from camp on all sides. It gets awfully cold up here they say, as low as 20 below. You don’t feel it too much though because it is very dry and not damp like in Michigan. The sun even shines up here. I think this air is good for my sinus trouble. My head feels real clear. Everybody else almost has a cold. They coughed so much in lectures that the speaker had to stop once in a while yet he said there wasn’t as much coughing as usual. I’m trying my best to keep away from colds. I may have to cut this short because they turn out the lights in a ½ hour but I don’t have to be in bed till 11:00. We’re going to have some fun in the morning with our puttees or leggings. I sure want to hear from me [you]. You have my address so let it come. I haven’t written to anyone but you yet with the exception of a short note to Julius when I was in Custer. Now comes the S.O.S. I find that there are several things that I would like you to send me. I need 2 or 3 wash rags (don’t send my new ones if there are some that I’ve used), an older bath towel, 4 or 5 coat hangers, a bar or two of soap (Sweetheart is O.K.), a few of my older handkerchiefs, and some of that candy I left behind. Don’t send the pretty boxes it came in. Put it in something else. I don’t have a wash rag and only 1 real bath towel which was white. They gave us 4 handkerchiefs & the 2 which I took making 6 but 3 are dirty. I need the coat hangers otherwise I have to fold up my clothes and put them in my bag when I leave for drill. That gets them pretty wrinkled. As for the candy, I bought and ate 3 bars tonight but they’re so doggone small. Send anything else you want.
We don’t know exactly where we are but we’re near Tomah, Spartan and from 20 to 30 miles from La Crosse. If you have a map maybe you can locate it.
There is no laundry service, which means I do my washing Sunday. If I thought I could get it back soon enough, I’d send it to you, but then that wouldn’t be nice. Well pretty near lights out so good night with love,
Everybody write! How is everybody?
About a Train
Wed. Jan. 6, 1943 10:05 a.m.
Railroad yards in Kalamazoo
Dear Everybody,
Well, I’m on my way. We found out last night that we were leaving this morning. I got up at 4:45, ate at 5:30 and then packed up & left the barracks at 6:30. We were supposed to leave camp at 8:00 but never got away till about 9:30. They checked our throats again for colds before we left. Then we walked about ¾ mile to the train. About 700 left altogether including about 100 colored fellows. They won’t tell you where you are going. There is no one in this car whom I know. La Macchia is in the car behind. There are six cars in my group. Three other cars have most of the fellows on them who came with me. So far as I know Hugh is still in camp, but another convoy is supposed to pull out at 9:00 and he may be on it. Nearly everybody in the 1st 2 cars is limited service and we all expect to go to McCoy. McCoy is near La Crosse in northwestern Wisconsin, Crest from Al’s Coffee Shop told me yesterday when I was on K.P. We are going through Kalamazoo now. The first town we hit was Augusta. Then we ran along parallel to M96 into Kalamazoo. Just passed Western Mich.College where Bert Tueling goes. If I were home I’d be sitting in German class right now. Boy does that sound good. We probably won’t hit camp until late tonight. The lieutenant in charge told us we would be on the train all day. Scenery isn’t much yet. I can’t see too well. We’re near the engine and the smoke drifts past the windows. Besides the windows steam over and they’re too dirty to wipe off with your hands. I’ve been keeping mine partly clear with a dirty handkerchief. I’m going to have to have some laundering done pretty soon. My towel, handkerchiefs and my socks are getting dirty and my fatigue uniform (K.P. suit) is black from playing fireman for 15 hours. Some of the fellows had been in Custer as long as 4 or 6 weeks before being shipped out or “bingoed” as they call it. We were lucky. I’d like to be sent back to Custer after my basic. You’re only 52 miles from home there. I think one of the reasons I got out quick is because I may be of some use in some type of job.
I suppose you’ve noticed by now that my letters don’t follow along very well. I just jot down thoughts as they come to mind because after all that’s what we do when we talk to each other. Well there’s not much to say now. Signing off at 10:25. We just went through another town but it’s like trying to look through a bottle of milk out my window. The smoke blows back by.
1:45 – We must be near Chicago. It began about 45 minutes ago in Indiana. I didn’t see too much of the beginning because I helped set up dinner in the baggage car. Since then I’ve been seeing quite a bit because we’re going slower and the smoke doesn’t blot out quite everything. It must be an awfully dirty place. Nothing but railroads, streetcars, trucks and factories for miles. I just heard a boat whistle. We’re not far from Lake Michigan but I can’t see it. I just made up my mind to one thing. When I get out of this ___ ____ __ ___ Army I’m going to see some country in a way that I can enjoy and appreciate it. Well so long for now while I see what little I can.
3:55 by my watch; 2:55 actual time out here. Still in Chicago. We have been parked for over a half hour after riding for miles through a maze of tracks bordered by factories, stock yards, and everything. Every once in awhile the elevated train goes by with a noise like a roller coaster. We saw a couple of pretty snappy looking streamliners. We had a regular picnic lunch and set up a cafeteria on boxes in the baggage car. Had potato salad, corned beef, dill pickles (boy are yours good) bread, butter, milk, doughnuts, cinnamon rolls & tangerines. The lieutenant asked if I wanted to help and I did. He let us eat just about all we wanted. We’re moving out now but I think we’re backing up. We were parked next to another troop train. The boys said they were going to Florida but you’re never sure. It’s a safe bet that we’re going to McCoy though. We’ll be there late tonight. I hear that the camp is about 6 miles from the nearest town and over 20 from La Crosse. Nothing but barracks, snow and more barracks. If they had turned -me loose in Custer I don’t think I could have found my way out. We’re moving pretty fast now. The engine is on the other end of the train and we’re all lost but I guess we must be going north. If you think the houses are close together in Lansing, you ought to see them here in Chicago. In some places they touch. One thing though. The streets are wide and look easy to drive. We’re leaving town on our way to Milwaukee. Boy the town stops in a hurry. It’s a big place but I bet it’s interesting.
Thurs. – 11:37 Central time
Got to McCoy last night. Everything swell. Will close this so you can get my address and write to me. Will write more later. Temperature 20 below here Tues.
Pvt. Arlington A. Forist 36, 416, 037
Co. 46 Bks 2610 L.S.S.
CampMcCoy, Wisc.
Original LetterSmarty Pants
Tues. Jan 5, 1943
8:10 p.m.
Dear Everybody,
Did you get the other letter and my clothes? You can write to me if you want to at the address on the envelope but I don’t expect to be here long. They finished processing us yesterday. In the morning we wrote the intelligence tests. On the general I.Q. tests I did 132 and Guggemos (the fellow who had 2 years at State) did 133. The rest seemed to be in the 70’s, 80’s or low hundreds. Of course I don’t know how many I got right. After that we went through our classification. They really try to find out what you can do best. First we signed up for insurance. I got $5,000 which will cost me $3.25 a month. I didn’t see any sense in getting $10,000. They tried to get us to sign up for bonds but I declined politely. If I want any I’ll buy them myself! After that we were given a personal interview. It included education, work, experience, sports, hobbies and just about everything that shows what you are and can do. The fellow that interviewed me used to go to college at Kalamazoo, his home. He said he goes home 2 or 3 times a week. I told him everything I could think of and they gave me a typing test. I said I could type 25 words a minute. I was pretty jumpy and made a lot of mistakes but did 30. When I turned in my card the sergeant said it looked very good. After that we got our shots. The vaccination in my left arm looks as if it might work. The shot was for typhoid. The fellows around here have been trying to scare us about the needle. The guy really did take a poke at you but the needle was so small you hardly feel it. My arm is a little sore but O.K. We got off quarantine last night and they split us up to fill the vacancies in several barracks. I’m in 1056, Hugh is in 1054. I sleep above a fellow from Detroit. Last night I went to a show and saw “Yankee Doodle Dandy.” The pictures are good and it costs only 15 cents. I got in about 9:15. They turn the lights out in the barracks at 9:00 but you don’t have to be in till 11:00. Then came the fun. They woke us up at 4:00 this morning to go on K.P. (Time out, the kid in the next bunk plays the harmonica.). Those jokes are all right but it’s no fun. We went on at 4:30 and got off at 7:15 tonight. For nearly fifteen hours I shoveled coal into six cook stoves. Boy my clothes and me were black. Now I’m in my bunk. I washed and shaved but most of the dirt came off on the towel. Well that brings you up to date. If I’m still here Saturday, I may be home, but don’t plan on it. It’s now 8:35. Maybe I’ll go over to the show. Love to everybody including Babe.
P.S. – We’ve got a guitar now.
Original Letter
In the Army Now
8 a.m. Sun. Jan. 3, 1943 – Barracks 1013 Fort Custer
Dear Folks:
I won’t be able to mail this letter until we get out of quarantine sometime Monday or Tuesday. I saw you looking for me as the train pulled out but you were looking too far back towards the end of the train. I had to sit on the other side of the car so I wasn’t very near the window. I’m sorry about the way I hurried away but I think you know why so that’s enough said about that. We got to Battle Creek about 6:05 but spent about 1½ hours being pushed and pulled around the tracks till we got on the right spur that took us out to camp. We got there about 7:30. We were put into a trailer and driven around until we came to a sort of assembly hall of some sort. We sat there awhile and then we were walked to the infirmary. The Doc had us all say “ah” and looked at our throats to see if we had a cold. Finally we went over to the mess hall for supper at about 8:30. We had string beans, soup, (I don’t know what kind it was and neither does Hugh) potatoes and gravy and bread but NO BUTTER! From there we went back to the assembly hall where the corporal talked a little and gave us our identification tags.
Back again at 2:10. After we got our tags we were taken over to our barracks and went to bed at 10:30. We have those double deck beds. I slept on top and Hugh slept below. I don’t think that most of them slept very much. Every time I woke up I could hear them turning and coughing. We didn’t have to get up till 6:45 but most of them were up at 5:30. I got up at 6:00. At 7:20 we had breakfast. Cereal (corn flakes) bread and butter and a fig. From there we went back to the barracks for a little while and that’s when I started to write this letter. Then we went over to a warehouse and had a brief phys. exam. From there we went and got our clothes. Was that something! Two suits of 2 piece wool underwear, three pairs of cotton shirts and shorts, 2 pairs of shoes size 10 ½B, (By the way, you won’t find my brown shoes with my clothes because I’m going to keep them. They are O.K. to wear with a uniform and they didn’t give us any oxfords.), 2 pairs of wool pants, two wool shirts, 2 pairs of cotton pants and 2 shirts, a wool blouse, our overcoat, 3 prs. of wool socks, 3 pairs of brown cotton socks, a fatigue outfit of 2 pairs of pants, 2 shirts, 2 jackets, and a hat, two hats like I wore in college once for my wool uniform & one for the cotton, 2 ties light brown besides a star double edge razor and blades, soap, tooth brush, 3 towels, comb and knife, fork, spoon, etc., gloves, wool stocking cap and that’s all I can remember. From there we went back to the barracks for a few minutes and then went to dinner at 11:50. Potatoes, gravy, peas, head lettuce, milk, bread & butter & ice cream. From there we came back and they lifted the quarantine till four o’clock so that we could leave the barracks if we wished. Hugh and I stayed and washed, shaved, and cleaned our teeth while the mob was gone. It’s 2:25 now. Hugh is reading a funny paper someone bought. It’s snowing pretty hard. We are to eat at about 4:20. We still have to have our intelligence tests, a personal interview regarding our past experience and any particular field for which we might be fitted. We also get a vaccination for smallpox and one shot for typhoid before we leave here. I haven’t seen any of the fellows who came over Monday. One kid who has been here from Bay City since Tues. said from 600 to 800 left Sat. morning and they were probably some of them.
According to latest word we won’t be out of quarantine until sometime Tues. noon. Then we can mail letters and I’ll try to get this out as soon as I can.
You wouldn’t know these guys with their uniforms on. They look entirely different.
I expect to leave here sometime Tues. or Wed. Most of the kids we meet have been here from 2 to 6 days. As soon as they get out of quarantine they are put on K.P. cleaning barracks and working in the kitchen. Not for me!
Well I seem to be out of ideas so I’ll add some more when I can. (2:40).
7:15 – Back again. Had free time till 4:30 and then ate supper. Potato salad, cottage cheese with pineapple, soup, cake, peach, bread and butter. I think you know that when I say I like something, I mean it; and the food really is good. I hope it will be as good wherever I go from here. They have signs in the mess hall that say “Don’t take anything you don’t want but eat all you take.” Tonight we had so much that nobody could eat it all. I pass up the meat and still have plenty. So you don’t need to worry about that. The barracks is heated and although we sleep between sheets, we have two woolen blankets over us. After supper we went back to the barracks, then over to the Post Office for paper and string, back to the barracks to do up our clothes and then back to the Post Office to mail them. I kept my shoes. I don’t know what you can do with my hat. It was flattened out before it was mailed. Maybe it can be cleaned and blocked. The gang was given freedom again from 6:30 to 9:30 and most of them are gone. Miller and I and some of the rest stayed. They are listening to Jack Benny on a portable radio while I’m writing. We can only go a certain distance and the theater is beyond that. There’s nothing that I care about at the PX (Post Exchange). I understand you can get 3-2 beer there but I’m not interested. Well I’ve run down again. See you later. (7:25)
Mon. 12:30 – Got good night’s sleep and didn’t get up till 6 o’clock. Had intelligence tests on mechanical ability, telegraphy and general I.Q. Enclosed you’ll find some pictures. They were taken yesterday after we got our uniforms. We get out of quarantine tonight so I’ll call this the end and get it ready to mail. I don’t think I’ll be here long but if I get a permanent address I’ll send it. Don’t write until I do.
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